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  1. rhiannon2017

    The video was very educational and i really liked how you you made it fun/interesting so no one would get bored. It was a great video!

    • aiessad2017

      Thank you for commenting on our video, I really appreciated it.

  2. Mr. Robinson

    Wow. You did a great job. The visuals worked so well with the voice-over. Awesome, pertinent information. Well produced. Great video.

    • aiessad2017

      Thank you for commenting on our video, I really appreciated it.

  3. rhiannon2017

    It was so amazing!!!!!!!

  4. sarahs2017

    I really liked everything about the video. The audio was perfect, it matched up with the video, and the visual was good too. And there were also lots of information.

  5. Mr. Robinson

    I really love this video. The background music was an excellent choice as it invokes urgency. The fact that the voice over fits so well with the images is due to some amazing editing. You have succinctly described climate change and given us connection ideas to address it. Excellent work!

    • aiessad2017

      Thank you for commenting on our video, I’ll keep up good work.

  6. karen2017

    I really like this video and how you put a lot of information and you used a lot of detail

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