Define: My problem is that I understand our chemistry unit pretty well, but sometimes I have difficulties understand the lesson and I need some more explication to understand how it works and what to do.



Will it cost money?

Will it be too complicated or too simple?

Will I be able to use it when I’m not at home?


Dream: I am a very visual and linguistic learner so it would be great if I could find an app that types out a description and has a picture or video to go along with the explanation.


Design: To find a solution to my problem I searched through the app store and looked up apps that would help me with science until I found one that I liked and thought was the best.


Deliver: The app I found is called Khan Academy: Chemistry 1.


This app has twenty different video lessons and examples for chemistry one that is anywhere between 9 to 22 minutes.


A screenshot of the first video lesson, introduction to Atoms.


This app is free and very simple and straightforward to use, effectively breaking down lessons into easier sections to understand.


A screen shot of the Valence Electrons lesson.



A screenshot of the last lesson, Ideal Gas Equation Example 2.



A few things I didn’t like about this app or wish it has a written option, something that we could read if we didn’t understand the video or couldn’t watch the video from where we were. Another thing is if we were able to have a place to send questions and be able to have someone respond if there was something we didn’t understand or missed.

All in all, I really liked this app and would definitely use it if I had more questions in the future, you don’t even need Wi-Fi to watch any of the videos so if you had any last minute studying to do you could just pull out your phone and do it in the car!

2 thoughts on “Science App Review”

  1. Great App Review. You have outlined the Solution Fluency while sharing many details about your app. It is fantastic how you answer back the comments made on your blog! Don’t forget to not only debrief the app but the Solution Fluency process you carried out. Great work!

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