image1For our Phorgum project we arranged our cards by similar substances and properties, from the smallest to the biggest amount of Grobles, as they always seemed the match up based on property. I think this is the best pattern because it was the pattern we thought made the most sense, it is simple, and it is easy to understand.

We were given two blank Phorgum cards and one card without a name and were told we were to fill these in and place them wherever we thought there was a ‘hole’ in the pattern. Our blank card, which was placed in between Zork (Zk) and Trum (Tu), was named Meme (Mm), a blue solid that contains 42 Grobles, 5 Bargs, and 82 Pherms, it has no reaction with acid and reacts with Merm. Our Phorgum at the top is a white gas that contains 12 Grobles, 23 Bargs, and 56 Pherms, reacts with acid, and has an unknown reaction with Merm, and our Phorgum in the middle is a brown liquid that contains 30 Grobles, 9 Bargs, and 51 Pherms, has an unknown reaction with acid, and has no reaction with Merm.

With this activity I learned to pay special attention to any differences or relations I could find or could make a pattern with. It was fun to work with my other group members and see the different creative ways we worked to find new patterns in the chart.

I liked that we were given this fake periodic table to organized to before we started to learn about the real one because we were given the opportunity to guess how the periodic table was organized and what we thought it might look like.

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