Gender Inequality Article

About The Article:

The article  I chose was about pay wadge and large pay gaps among companies. most job subjects pay men more than women, but every sector pays men more on average (hourly). Some of those sectors are Health (0.1%), service (5%), manufacturing (5.5%), public administration (5.3%), transportation (5%), and more than pay men more (hourly). On every job, these sectors pay men more, but they are job subjects such as financing, that have much bigger pay gaps on gender equality, on these sectors just listed (hourly). some of those are Banking groups, Banking, Global Services, and Nationwide building society.

Who Does It Involve?:

The government equality office is working on closing the pay wage gap. they are a good meaningful company that helps to close the wedge gap. A lot of campaigners and charity events are open to help support the issue, and say “that a cultural change is needed”.

Why Did I Choose This Article?:

I chose this article because it is interesting to research on. The fact that there is a pay gap in the first place was just odd, researching on this was understanding to me, and it has a lot of people helping to resolve the issue. Choosing a big topic to talk about is better because it is relevant. Choosing an irrelevant topic to talk about won’t get the word out as quick.

How does this news article relate to the story we are reading- The Friday Everything Changed?:

In the news article it shows that there is a wage gap between gender, even if they work in the same sector or job, there is still a pay gap. And in the short story, it shows that only a boy can carry the water. So it shows that the pay wage and who can carry the water has the same problem, gender Inequality.





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