Persuasive Essay


English 11

Persuasive Essay


A Leader should be love

Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding. This book describes a group of boys trapped on a desert island because of war fully demonstrates the leadership of Ralph that who is a leader with love and civilization at the beginning. Furthermore, he is the one that brought them together, and he has the conch. Somehow the conch seems to give him special powers: he brought cohesion of the group. “The being that had blown that had sat waiting for them on the platform with the delicate thing balanced on his knees, was set apart” (chapter 1). Although he did not succeed in the end, his leadership style is closest to the real social system. In addition, he got the support from kind-hearted Simon and sagacious Piggy because of his civilized and kind. Lord of the Flies describes a society just beginning, Jack’s behaviors are similar to the savage because they do not have laws and troop, this is the reason Jack can replace Ralph later. In civil society of today, people are more eager to a good leader who can give them attention and help.

A good leader should have the ability to gather helpful assistants; a good leader should have the ability to protect members; a good leader should be loved and respected, the love is mutual. The biggest feature of leading with love is democracy. This is the main reason to push a country development.

Trust and obedience can make a team strong, and love is its foundation. According to the film of Speed and Furious, Vin plays a fairly important and successful team leader, and he said,” I do not have friends, I have a family”. And in another movie X-man says ” it is the greatest gift we have to hear their pain without breaking, and it is born of the most human power”. Both of these quotes express the importance of loving the people around you, treating the team members as own family and helping each other. Maybe leading with fear is effective and fast but leading with fear is fairly unstable. For example, Qin Shihuang is the first emperor of China, that means he is the first one unified ancient China, and also, he is the most brutal emperor in the history. He built a prosperous era because of his powerful leadership with fear. But his regime was overthrown later. There are two important reasons made that happen: everyone is afraid of him, so citizen is absolute compliance. Therefore, the people that are oppressed will be resentful. In addition, he did lots of wrong things, but no one dares to tell him. This also led to his policy is not perfect.

Nowadays, lots of people off to the right track, a leader with love has a positive impact on shaping generational’ s value. Human born in the world, and this world has a lot of dark sides, so it needs as many people as possible to give love. But people will be afraid of being hurt and they are not sure how to do it, therefore a leader full of love and positive energy will have a great influence on the values of his citizen and will affect the world more or less.