Problem Situation

  1. I believe John and Emily are deceiving themselves in thinking that they can do well in their oEnglsih classes because from what I’ve read, I can tell that their time management skills are not very well and they’re not organized. They are putting their sports and social lives first, instead of prioritizing school. This results in poor academic results and could lead to missed opportunities in the futur.
  2. They’re schedule makes it difficult for them to focus on school and get good grades. They are busy with sports and clubs, yet still not trying to make time for their academics.
  3. If they don’t do well on their English work, they’ll blame themeselves because it’s no one else’s fault but their’s for not managing their time and studies properly and putting everything before school. There is no one else to blame and they would learn from their mistake of not working hard in school when they see that they did not do well.
  4. If I were in their place, I would create a schedule for myself to stay organized and to have time to study and do homework. I would put school first, meaning if I had to study but I had a practice that night, I would talk to my coaches and discuss how I could go about the situation.