women’s expectations since 19th century

Tarissa Grisley

Block A

Women’s equality has progressed in some ways since the early 1800’s. However it also has not changed in some aspects. For the Urban women things like knitting, making clothes and cooking have not changed much, people still expect the woman to be at home taking care of the kids and cooking and sewing, while the man is at work. Also when it comes to caring for the house, women are still expected to do most of the cleaning. The aspects that have changed for Urban women is that women have a voice, they can say whether they want to move houses or not, women are not expected to be bossed around by a man. Finally, women are aloud to marry and be with whomever the please, whether it be a man or woman, there is no lower or upper class. For the Rural women, women are not expected to get married before they have kids, many people these days have children before getting married and its perfectly normal. Another thing that has changed is that the family of a woman are not the ones who choose who the woman gets married too and therefore they do not receive any money or gifts for their daughter getting married. Also it is not very common for women to be making snow shoes or repair canoes or even make candles and soap, these days you can just go to the store and buy all of that. Therefore there are some aspects that have not changed but there are many things that have changed.