Science App Review

The app that i chose is called”periodic table.”

Here is a quick video about how this app works…


What does this app teach me?

This app is perfect for when you are starting to learn about the periodic table and it’s elements (science 9.) This app holds a lot of information about each element and could be useful for when doing projects or worksheets.

What could be improved with this app?

This app just covers the basics (things you would learn in the beginning of science 9 chemistry.) It doesn’t cover polyatonic ions or compounds, just the individual elements. This app also gives you the answer for some things (i.e. The bohr model), but it doesn’t show you how they did everything so it wouldn’t help you LEARN the concepts.

Does this app require internet connection?

No, you can use this app anytime, anywhere.

Is this app fun and easy to use?

It is super easy to use but it is not considered “fun” or “entertaining.” The point of this app is to give you lots of information so it is not a game.

Would i use this app?

I think that I would have used this app at the beginning of the year when we were learning about elements (especially when we had to research a specific element), but now that i’ve gotten the hang of element and the basics, i don’t have a use for this app.

Are there any unique features that this app has?

In my opinion, this app is nothing special. You could easily find all the information that is on the app on google but it is easy to just click on the element and have the information in front of you.


Overall I would recommend this app to my friends if we had to study an individual element otherwise, there isnt much point in downloading this app.



2 thoughts on “Science App Review

    • Thank you for the feedback Mr.Robinson! I will make sure that I use videos on my edublog to give a more visual aspect to my posts.

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