mutation story

 Part 1)

I am a gene inside Samantha’s body she was diagnosed with turner syndrome. It is a syndrome that only affects females and happens from a gene defect of the second female sex chromosome. You can tell if a girl has turner syndrome because there are many symptoms, puffiness or swelling of their hands and feet, poor growth, folds of skin around their neck, low hair line at the backs of their necks, one third to half of girls that have turner syndrome are born with heart defects. Girls with turner syndrome have a higher chance of developing other medical problems. Girls who are diagnosed with turner syndrome won’t be able to do things most people can do. Scientists say the turner is not inherited

Part 2)

How common is it for girls to get turner syndrome?

Are girls with turner syndrome more likely to develop other diseases?

What are symptoms that girls will have if their diagnosed with turner syndrome?

Can girls with turner syndrome do every day thing that a regular person can do?

Some tools that I used to get this information: Ebsco, google, destiny

The process I used to get this information: the method I used was if I came across an article that I though was good I would read through it and pick out the information that I thought would be most useful

Verify: I knew that most of the information I was getting was already true and valid because I used Ebsco which is a trusted source and for the rest I would go onto other websites and check the information that I already had.

What could I have done better: I could have used more websites the check my information

YİĞİT, H; et al. Cardiac MRI and 3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography in pediatric and young adult patients with Turner syndrome. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences. 47, 1, 127-133, Jan. 2017. ISSN: 13000144.