Archive of ‘Grade 10’ category

Why Would It Be Important To Know The Results If Stars Collided?





A star is a shiny ball of gas, which is mostly hydrogen and helium, that is held together by its own gravity. The closest star to earth is the sun. There are 7 main types of stars which are called Electra, Taygete, Maia, Celaeno, Alcyone, Sterope, and Merope.

If stars collide the outcome depends on the speed of the collision. If stars are moving slowly the two stars will merge into one massive star which is called a blue straggler. A way to identify a blue straggler is that they are brighter and hotter than other stars. However if the stars collide faster the stars will turn into pieces that is mainly hydrogen gas.






Stars collide because there are lots of them part of the star system, where multiple stars circle around each other. Most of the stars are far apart but as they circle each other they get closer together and that can cause collisions. I was curious how often stars collided and I read that stars usually collide every 10,000 years.

To answer my question it would be important to know the results of a star collision because if it was close enough to earth it could affect earth and the ocean but not anything too big. However, it is good to know the outcome of a star collision.


Viz, NASA. “NASA Viz: Star Collision.”, 2 July 2018,

‌September 2019, Rafi Letzter-Staff Writer 13. “Afterglow of Colliding Neutron Stars Would Outshine Our Sun.”,

Thursday, Published:, et al. “What Would Happen If Two Stars Collided?”,

Siegel, Ethan. “What Happens When Planets, Stars and Black Holes Collide?” Forbes, Accessed 16 May 2022.

Carson. “What Happens When Stars Collide?” Central Galaxy, 5 Feb. 2022, Accessed 16 May 2022.‌

Science 10-Biotechnology Project





genetic engineering  

introduction: Genetic engineering is the foundation of biotechnology, it is the process of using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to alter the genetic makeup of an organism. Genetic engineering was discovered in 1973 by American biochemists Stanley N. Cohen and Herbert W. Boyer by inserted the new genes into E. coli bacteria. With the development of science and technology, genetic engineering has gradually become popular and entered the public’s field of vision. Genetic engineering has great achievements and usefulness in biotechnology, this technology also attracts attention whether it should be developed in the future.

the greatest advancement with regards to genetic engineering: Genetic engineering has great achievements in biotechnology, the most well-known of these are CRISPR-Cas9. CRISPR-Cas9 is a genome editing tool, it is a recent developed techniques of editing DNA that is more precise and has a lower cost than traditional ways. Crisper-Cas9 works by Cas9 enzyme binds to guide RNA and it cuts bot strands of DNA while the DNA in the process of transcription with RNA. This technology applications in various biology fields, for example: cells and Animals models; human diseases therapy; new drug screens; eranscriptic and epigenetic edits; agricultureit, food, materials; embryo and-fetus gene editing; nuclei image, detection, diagnosis; and cells and animals models. It was a significant contributor to the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020 being awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna. One of the example about CRISPR-Cas9 that is closer to people’s daily life is food, food is closely related to our lives, and genetically modified food has also developed rapidly in recent years, among the more common ones are golden wheat, tomatoes and some fruits, although they look and taste better than those without genetic modification, this also raises many moral and ethical questions. 

How is this form of biotechnology best used? Food biotechnology largely aims at improving food quality and taste. Functional or medicinal foods are those possessing health-promoting or disease-preventing properties beyond the supply of nutrients. Genetically modified foods also known as genetically engineered foods or bioengineered foods are foods produced from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering techniques allow for the introduction of new traits as well as greater control over traits when compared to previous methods, such as selective breeding and mutation breeding. Commercial sale of genetically modified foods began in 1994, Most food modifications have primarily focused on cash crops in high demand by farmers such as corncanola, and cottonGenetically modified crops have been engineered for resistance to pathogens and herbicides and for better nutrient profiles. GM livestock have been developed, although, as of 2015, none were on the market. As of 2015, the AquAdvantage salmon was the only animal approved for commercial production, sale and consumption by the FDA. It is the first genetically modified animal to be approved for human consumption.

How is this form of biotechnology changing the world as we continue to advance towards the future? Genetic engineering is changing the world by giving you the chance to change the DNA of something by using the genes of something else. For example you can take the gene of a plant and insert it into another gene of a plant. Of course lots of people find pros and cons in genetic engineering and it seems that the cons drag all the pros down so I will list a few of them. PROS: nutritious food, fights diseases, increase in life expectancy, increase in growth rates of plants and animals CONS: genetic issues, health issues, allergies, effects on wildlife, religious and ethic concerns. At the end of the day lots of people feel like there is not enough knowledge about genetic engineering which is why they are so unsure about it.

conclusion: Overall, genetic engineering seems like a good form of biotechnology. It is already being used for food and a few medical things However, like previously mentioned lots of people think it should not be used in the future or they are unsure about it. I think once everyone hears more about it and has a better understanding they will like the idea of using genetic engineering in the future.




Science 10-Cheek Cell Lab

Cheek Cell DNA






Cheek Cells Stained









Cheek Cells Disruption









cheek cells are easily removed from the inner lining of the mouth and are a great source of DNA from a person. However, the cells must be broken apart before the DNA can be extracted and studied. There are multiple ways of degrading cheek cells. the goal of each method is the same; break apart all membranes inside of a cell without destroying the strands of DNA. Which of the above solutions do you believe would be useful in this process and why? 

I think that the method that would work best would be the dish soap since it did break apart the membranes in my cheek cell.

Comment on the three different labs involving cheek cells: What did you find interesting/new?

I thought all the labs were really interesting. the first lab was really cool since you could see your DNA in the tube even though it was very light. the second and third lab were basically the same and I thought it was fun to see your cheek cells and the cells get disrupted.

Science 10 Paper Plane Scientific Method Experiment

Hypothesis: if we throw “Pete’s Paper Airplane”, then will fly the farthest because it is the longest and most thin plane

Experiment: we wanted to see if the shape of the plane would affect how far it goes. we used 3 planes (1st Rapier, 2nd Nick’s Paper Plane, 3rd Pete’s Paper Plane). we built all our planes with the same 8.5″ x 11″ paper and we threw each plane 5 times.

Results: Pete’s Paper Plane flew the farthest with an average of 14 meters. Nick’s Paper Plane flew the second farthest with an average of 9 meters. Lastly the Rapier flew the shortest distance with an average of 6 meters.

Summary: our hypothesis was accepted. the longest plane flew the furthest distance each time we threw it.

*left to right* Rapier, Nick’s,Pete’s