February 19

Math 10 Week #3

the zero exponent law is basically a law that tells you that whichever number and it can be any number to the power of zero equals

it equals to 1 because of all the “invisible” 1’s we have in the equation such as the invisible 1 in the coefficient spot. furthermore we all know that a number times 0 equals 0 so then we are left with the invisible 1 that is the coefficient,

February 12

Math 10 Week # 2

What I learned this week is how to convert entire radicals into mixed radicals and then mixed radicals back into entire radicals.

What you do to convert entire radicals into mixed is you start with prime factorization. as you can see I took 242 and cut it in half so now 2 x 121 is 242 and I took 121 and since it’s a perfect square I got two 11’s and since it’s a square root the answer would be 11 root 2

Turning it back into an entire radical is taking 11 and finding the squared version of it being root 121 and then you take root 2 and you multiply them giving you root 242

February 5

The Perfect Person

My view of a perfect person or male in this case would be that he would be in fit condition and is also intelligent with good hygiene. he would also be the nicest, most respectful human being so as not to insult or hurt anyone. To sum him up he would be best friend material.

February 5

Math 10 Week # 1

This here is a kind of number tree and I haven’t seen or used it before Ms. Burton showed the class and it’s basically to keep track of the order certain numbers go.

The “R” stands for real numbers and basically all numbers go under that category besides complex numbers. The “Q” with a line on top of it stands for irrational numbers and the “Q” with a line below it stands for rational numbers. The “I” below stands for integers, The “W” stands for whole numbers, and the “N” stands for natural numbers.

To explain this “number tree” better take the number 123 983 for example it fits into R,Q (with a line below it), I, W, and N.


February 3

my view on Kevin Kelly’s TED talk

Technology’s Epic Story

Radu Hurmuz


In Kevin Kelly’s TED talk he says that “technology has its own agenda… It wants to give us things, and what it gives us is basically progress”. I for one agree with this statement because technology truly is progress seeing as without technology we wouldn’t know what we know right now about anything really and if we didn’t have technology then it would take a pretty long time to get to where we are now with our knowledge. Technology aids us with just about everything from school to our everyday jobs and a lot of jobs rely on technology so again without technology we would have less options for jobs. Without technology food would be harder to make and heat would be harder to produce as well as relations with distant relatives would be harder to maintain because of the time it would take to send the messenger pigeon over and back. Everyday entertainment would not be as convenient anymore without television and computers for Netflix watching.