January 17th 2019 archive

Photography 11 – Portfolio –

As a photographer, I feel that I have grown immensely throughout this year. I have experimented with many different styles, in order to fall into my own unique style. Through this, I have found that I like to take portraits, use reflections, and use unique perspectives to add interest and convey different emotions in my images. I believe that art itself is subjective, being different for everyone and in that, photography should convey different emotions, and be able to evoke meaningful thought. In the future, I think that my photography will continue to progress, and my understanding of the elements and principles of photography will continue to deepen.


I think that the most successful parts of my projects were the creativity, perspectives and diversity that I had throughout my work. I think that the most successful projects, where the creative zone, elements and principles of photography, and the aquarium power point. Throughout these projects, I found a consistent theme of what I found successful – the timeĀ  that I took to go out and shoot the images. I think that in order to take images to the next level you have to be able to take time to go out and choose a location, and plan a pose, to be able to produce more powerful images. However, I think that the least successful parts of my projects where my studio portraits and my avatar project. I think that one of the main reasons that I didn’t have as much success with these projects, is because I didn’t have much time to complete them, didn’t plan them out well, and wasn’t as motivated to create when completing them. I think if I had more time I would like to redo the studio portrait project, because I feel that it could have been better planed out and of a better quality had I given myself more time to complete it.

I think that throughout this photography course, I learned a lot about my style of photography and who I am and want to be as a photographer. I also discovered more about other people’s styles and strategies in photography, which I think is very interesting. Beyond that, I also discovered more about what photography is, in the elements and principles of photography. I really enjoyed this class, as it pushed me to explore different corners of photography (like macro), that I likely would not have tried otherwise. I am very happy with the outcome of this class, and would take photography 12 to continue growing and expanding my understanding of photography, and who I am as a photographer.