English 12- Son of a Trickster

Son of a trickster
What significance does the raven have in indigenous culture?
The raven signifies a change or transformation, the raven is often referred to as a trickster, which is probably a hint towards the title and something that connects with his father most likely.
In some tribes, the Raven is considered a trickster because of its transforming/changing attributes
The Raven is also a keeper of secrets, and can assist us in determining answers to our own thoughts

Haida Raven Mask

In Raven stories told by the Tlingit and other tribes along the Pacific coast and Canada, Raven likes to cause trouble for humankind, but his actions often end up benefiting us.
Raven combined the characteristics of good and evil, and for his mischief he was turned black forever. (https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/raven-symbolism)

What is it like living on a reserve?
They get poor government support
Houses are small, messy and barely have beds sometimes.(poor living conditions)
Many reserves lack clean drinking water.
Reserves have a high alcoholism rate
Reserves have a high abuse rate
Reserves have a high suicide rate compared to other small towns of similar population
Lack of law enforcement, not enough to keep everything under control and they sometimes just give up. As seen in indigenous films and documentaries, they are very laid back and sometimes contribute to the issues.
People that live on reserves often resent the government and sometimes their parents/culture.

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