Static electricity

What i noticed: I noticed that for friction, the more you swipe his leg across the carpet the more positive charges you gain until you build maximum charge, when you have a low charge u need to be close to get a zap, at max charge you can have his hand far away and still get a zap.

Discharge: discharge happens when you let the hand to close and the zap goes out, all the positive charges leave his body and you have to restart.
[]What are the 3 most important things we have learned so far this year about static electricity?
/\ 1. Learning all the negative and positive reactions and how they work together to make static electricity,.

2. That opposites attract and the same charges don’t attract and push eachother away.

3. The games really helped with understanding how static works and the different effects that happen while positive and negative charges are flowing throughout your body.

[]what lab was the most helpful towards understanding static electricity.
/\ for sure the games showed me more about what I questioned and the things that happen through out your body while charged and how to uncharged some but not all or how to get a bigger shock.

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