He took one last drag on his cigarette and snapped it away. Then with that faint, fleeting smile playing about his lips, he faced the firing squad; erect and motionless, proud and disdainful, Walter Mitty the undefeated, inscrutable to the last. “You’re ours Mitty!” said a fire squad member. “Not on my watch! You cannot kill me!” Walter stood in front of the squad insolently, no one could bring him down. He began to walk away from the firing squad. “You trying to make this easy for us”, the squad leader asked? Walter just smiled and continued to look back at the firing squad until his face was met with a pistol … “Give me all your money, now!” A rakish looking child yelled anxiously. Walter didn’t move, he just continued to stare right into the eye of the gun. “Now! Before I shoot you”! “Is this really what you want?!” Mitty stammered, something felt so familiar to him …
“I swear I will not hesitate to pull the trigger.” A young Mitty yelled. He looked past the man seeing his father cheer him on. Walter was turning the age of twelve next week, this meaning that he would learn the Mitty family ways. This was not how he wanted to live but they could barely feed themselves, what could he do. His mother died and the last time his father was sober was at the funeral. The man who Walter had mobbed finally gave up his belongings, a watch and a wallet. Walter grabbed the valuables, leaving the man distraught. He quickly ran away from the scene and thought to himself, “how can I escape this world?”