I am proud of my synthesis essay because I struggled with ideas in the beginning but put in effort to bring everything together and spent time working on it to make each paragraph the best that I could do. For grade 12, my goals to improve are with quote formatting and developing my ideas so that they are more in depth.
In your opinion, based on the theme of this story, how has Canadian history and attitudes shaped the First People of Canada’s identity?
The effect on First Nations due to the treatment by settlers and government has been extreme. In my opinion, forcing them onto reserves and into residential schools has affected their identity because although they were in Canada first, the settlers forced them to move, attempted to silence them and treated them as if they were inferior. Each of these can have an impact on how they view themselves and their culture. Their identity as First Nations has not always been accepted and that may shape them to have a negative view on their identity and culture.
Overall, I am happy with my essay because I did the best that I believe I could have.
One thing I will watch out for the next time I am writing an essay with quotes will be to correctly put them into the text. Next time I will be sure that I completely understand how.
Secondly, to improve in the future I would go back and read the rubric and edit my essay more before handing it in because I think re-reading a few things could help save my mark in the end by providing more thorough and thoughtful writing.
Lastly, one thing that I am proud of with this persuasive essay was my organization and arguments which overall I put the most effort into from the beginning.
This photo represents my fear of being out alone. I chose this bus stop specifically because I have had multiple scary experiences at this location but my fear is not limited to here. Overall, the fear that I have is mostly of people that I have encountered that talk to me/make comments and have even harassed me at times. This does not control my decisions because taking the bus is my main transportation and I don’t chose to stay home to keep myself safe. This fear does control me because in a sense, the people I have encountered control me by making me nervous to be alone. I have always known I’m scared to be alone but this excercise has opened my eyes to the fact that I really don’t do anything to prevent the fear.
In the book, The Promise, written by Nicola Davies, a girl lives in a city of poverty. She describes everyone around her as hard and mean and the streets were all dark and dull. She believed she had become hard and mean as well. Because of the living conditions in the city, people resulted to theft and allowed the poverty they lived in to determine their mood and overall quality of life. One day, the girl had stolen a bag from an old woman, in a dark alley. The woman made her promise to plant what was in the bag. Not understanding, the girl agreed, she soon found the bag was full of acorns and as promised, she planted them. With time, many trees and plants of different colours grew throughout the whole city. She planted them in many other cities and believed it was a blessing. This did not change anybody’s financial situation but instantly brought colour and changed the atmosphere of the city. Humans are easily influenced by their surroundings and we need to help make the differences we want to see in our environment. This book shows how even a small change in the environment can affect our mood positively, despite other struggles in our life.