Above is a diagram of the machine that we created. It is called the Muncherz 4 your Pupperz and the goal is to get the treats and water into a bowl for a puppy. Here are the steps:
1. We release the car from point A and it falls to point B
2. This teeter-totter like contraption throws the tin foil ball to point C1
3. Meanwhile, the car from step 1 keeps rolling at hits over the cup of water (C2), spilling the water into the bowl (D2)
4. When the tin foil ball reaches point C1 it hits the other car sitting on the triangle releasing it into the red cup, making it heavier and weighing it down.
5. This piling tugs the cup on the other end of the string letting the candies fall out. (E)
6. The candies fall off the ledge into a funnel and through the zig zag contraption.
7. Finally the candies will land into the bowl, next to the water.
Energy Transfers:
In part A to B and the effect of this step (tin foil ball flying up) are both transfers from potentional to kinetic energetic. Firstly, the car is still and has the potentional to move. The process of the car moving from point A to B is the transition between potential to kinetic. (Still car to moving/falling car.)
In part C2 to D2 it is kinetic energy to potential and then to mechanical. This process includes the car rolling, the hitting the cup of water (which is still) then tipping it over to release the water from the still cup into the bowl.
In part D1 to before E the other car starts as potential energy, it is still and ready to fall the gets the push from the tin foil ball and falls into the cup. The still cups moves and and creates movement in the cup on the other side of the string. The starting energy is potential and the ending is mechanical.
Lastly there is process E to F/G where the candies tip out of the cup and into the funnel and zig zag contraption. These steps begin as potential then to mechanical and then kinetic.
Here is a successful video of our Rube Goldberg Project :
1. Include a drawing of your child with as much detail as possible.
2. Include a short description of the traits your child has.
Our baby has a round face and light brown skin. He also has big blue eyes and medium brown, fine eye brows. Big lips and an inprominant chin. His hair is medium brown and he has attached ear lobes
3. Answer the following questions:
a. How does the coin flip relate to the probability of inheriting genetic conditions?
When each of us flip the coin we either receive heads or tails. Heads being dominant and tails being recessive. Each trait had accompanying letters and each of us flipping the coin would create a genotype. With the genotype we determine the trait based on which is dominant and which is recessive.
b. How does this simulation accurately represent or not represent real life?
I think the idea of creating a genotype is accurate but in real life it is not as simple as flipping a coin and real genetics are involved. Genetics are not only based off direct parents but generations behind them also.
c. Did you identify any prejudices you might have about what traits you find “desirable”? Where do you think these prejudices come from?
I think that everybody has certain traits they find more desirable than others and society has definitely affected them and create prejudices on what different traits could signify about people’s personality. And that is why we find certain traits undesirable, we know they have nothing to do with personality but society creates a link between physical appearance and personality. With our baby, it had blue eyes which I find desirable compared to brown because it is more unique.
For this assignment, it was asked that we create an analogy with pictures for 4 types of chemical reactions : Synthesis, Decomposition, Single Replacement and Double Replacement. Using images of flowers and vases I showed each reaction along with a general equation and an example for each.
In this experiment, my group and I created a small aluminum boat with the materials given : tape, 2 toothpicks, 2 marshmallows and the piece of aluminum. Our boat was a small square with sides folded up. We used the tape to seal the corners and also to attach our marshmallows on the toothpicks onto the boat. We used the marshmallows to help it float.
Our hypothesis: If we create a large enough flat surface for the pennies then our boat will float because we can place the pennies evenly throughout the surface, distributing the weight.
Conclusion: Our boat held only 21 pennies when floating in the water. Water began to leak in pretty quickly causing it to sink. I think our hypothesis was supported. Although our boat sank without many pennies our structure was not an issue. We could fit lots of pennies into out boat and if the corners hadn’t let water in then it would’ve supported many more. So, our error was not sealing the corners well enough with the tape and next time if we did this again I would be sure to secure the edges of our boat.