How does one resist injustice?

People can’t really escape injustice, some do it without even realizing that they are doing it and some others do it because they feel like it’s a right thing to do. One can deal with injustice by the way you treat yourself and others. To me injustice feels the same as bullying. How others treat people differently and how they make people feel about themselves physically and mentally. abusing others, accusing other people of something they didn’t do, and treating the poor, homeless or any other person who isn’t wealthy badly. people who face injustice shouldn’t give in/ give up, they should be strong minded and not let other people/things get into their minds, people should also remember that they aren’t the only ones who are going through injustice and there are people who are always beside them whenever they feel like they can’t face it by themselves. it”s always good to stay positive about things that happen even if they don’t seem to be the best. In life you are the main character as well as the author of your life whatever you do you take responsibility of it, if things go bad and you keep your mind on that one bad thing then you can’t really move on in life until you decide to move on.


~ why do people take light things seriously?

~ what happened if you can’t escape injustice?

~ why does injustice exist?


What If the Moon Orbited at the Same Height as the ISS?

What If the Moon Orbited at the Same Height as the ISS?
1. The moon will look a lot bigger because it’s so close to earth “it would be 420 km above the earth’s surface” which means it’ll look half of the sky~
2. Because the moon will be so close to earth it’ll block the sun, the Plato can be seen to the upper right, if a person saw the Plato they would be dead considering the fact that earth is more massive than the moon it’ll pull you about 300,000 harder than the moon~
3. The force of gravity gets weaker with the distance of the moon~
4. They moon would probably be destroyed by tidal forces and that could create huge disasters on earth~
5. It will cause earthquakes, volcanoes, heat up due to air resistance, living things die “Humans, Animals, Plants”~
6. You would weight 10% less than you are now if the moon was closer~
7. Because the moon is so close to earth you would see it every 90-100 min everyday~
8. If the moon was a lot closer to earth it would move faster to avoid crashing into earth~
9. It would pull tides which will make them way bigger and higher and the tides on the other side will be lower~
10. Due to volcanoes, oceans might boil because of the high heat released from volcanoes which will leave you with water lava~

In this video you will get to see how the moon looks like when its really close to the sun. It also shows you how the moon blocks the sun and how it looks like when it happens. Video by yeti dynamics this video was taken in mexico and animated by that youtuber. “watch in full screen for a better effect”

this pic shows how the moon looks like when its really close to earth..

What if the moon orbited Earth at the same distance as the International Space Station?


What it means to be human~

humans want to communicate

humans have/need a dream

humans desire to help each other

humans seek happiness

humans need friends

humans want to learn/ seek knowledge

humans need to express their emotions

humans can be ignorant and should be more aware

humans are violent

humans fight in what they believe in

humans have conflict

humans despite conflict

humans may abuse power

humans evolve

humans want to be remembered because most like recognition

humans disagree

humans discriminate others / racist/

humans like to make their lives better

humans have to help and fight against injustice

humans curious and seek knowledge

in the book It Had To Be You by Sabrina Jordan  I learned that you should never give up who you love just because you think you aren’t worthy enough to be with them. in this book Emma was assigned to be Dear Daisy and her job is to give love advises to people who email her to seek for help but she must keep the fact that she is daisy even from her best friend..she lives with her three older brothers it was easy for her to become a tomboy but she didn’t she calls herself “a girly girl”. A guy moves in next door, when they first met he saw Emma at her worst appearance when he came to visit.. Emma falls in love with the guy next door so she tries her best to look good for him but he continues to see her at her worst looks and attitude.. she gets an email from “Romeo” for a love advice  about a girl he likes, Emma was always giving “Romeo” advice’s whenever he emails her.. One day Emma got into a fight with her crush..later Emma got an email from Romeo that says he got into a fight with his crush too, Emma was surprised and that’s when she found out that romeo  is her crush and she’s been giving him advice’s on how to deal with her. The next door boy comes in to her house and tells Emma that He always loved her but he thought that she didn’t want to be with him that’s why he was emailing Daisy for advice’s. Emma ended up dating her neighbor+crush and it was a happy ending 🙂