first peoples principles of learning

The two principles of learning I have chosen to discuss about where learning involves patients and time. This related to our experiment because it takes time and patients to learn, we wont be able to have completed the assignment and learned everything in one day, we need to take time and learn to our full understanding. and secondly I chose to do is learning involves recognition that some knowledge is sacred and only shared with permission and/or in certain situations. This means that not all information we have is ours to tell and its someone else’s to share if they would like to. The firsts nations people feel connected to the environment and have a strong relationship with earth i feel like this video states that I chose a video from an iconic Disney movie to help relate it to something some people might have already seen. Earth is considered their sacred land and it lets them respectfully connect with their elders.

mutation story

Part one

Hello my name is Sydney and I am a cell. I live with my host named Amanda, she is very kind and tells the puniest jokes ever, one time we were at the mall and she said “what was the biologist wearing on his date with a girl?” … “designer genes!”. I laughed so hard I almost lost my GALT gene. Amanda is my best friend, but we get bullied a lot because Amanda has stickler syndrome. It all started on the day we were born, there was a mutation in the COL2A1 gene on chromosome 12 in region 12q13.11-q13.2. which is type i and symbolizes STL1. I was scared and didn’t know what was happening. There had appeared to be a mutation caused by connective tissue that is distributed throughout the body and a group of disorders through connective tissue. Amanda’s body does not make collage properly. The hardest problem to face is Tessa. Tessa is a girl in Amanda’s class who finds it amusing to bully Amanda. Stickler syndrome makes it so Amanda is nearsighted, has hearing loss and small eyes and ears. everyday we go to school and then Tessa and her entourage come over and say “you have small ears” or “you look different” this hurt Amanda’s feelings but she knew she was different and she liked that, she liked being different than everybody else and liked being special. Amanda’s best friends name was Lexi. Lexi has been Amanda’s friend since they were young and Lexi always has Amanda’s back. Years later Amanda had decided to go to college and unfortunately Amanda and Lexi had to part ways. They still stayed in contact but it was different then being together. Amanda zoomed through college like a pro and one thing led to another and she fell in love. Amanda worked in a small coffee shop on the corner of the street everyday a man would order the same drink at the same time for the next two months. Eventually the man had asked Amanda out. 5 years after that Amanda had gotten married and had a baby girl who had stickler syndrome also (stickler syndrome has a 50% chance of passing down to children) and that’s when my best friend sally the cell was born.

Part two

Overall I had really enjoyed this project and found that it helped my understanding on stickler syndrome by creating a story about it. Some questions that I had to research were “what is stickler syndrome” and also “what effects does stickler syndrome have?” after a bit of researching I had found out that stickler syndrome effects your eyesight, ears, nose and hearing. I found some great websites and sources of information on the following websites:, and I enjoyed writing this story and liked the idea of incorporating science into it. While writing this story I had tried to use the four E’s and grammar tools as well. I had found out lots of information about stickler syndrome that I wasn’t aware about before and next time I think ill work on the plot of my story a bit longer.

Nucleur Power Plant Model

I have enjoyed this project, overall I found this assignment very fun and helpful, it let me get a further understanding on nuclear power plants. I enjoyed doing the assignment with a partner and was happy with the overall model. I think there were some things that we could have improved on as well, for example we could have made it more colourful or clearer if we had more time to complete it. I think that we both did lots of the work but we split up questions and the model. We also probably could have painted the base of the model to make it pop more. other then those few things I really like the outcome and enjoyed this project.

Nuclear 3D Model Questions

1. The first main part is the reactor core. It consists of fuel elements, control rod, coolant, moderator and pressure vessels. The second main part is the reflector. This is placed around the core to reflect some of the neutrons that leak from the cores surface. The third main part is the control rods. This absorbs the neutrons so it can maintain or stop a reaction. Helps shut down the reactor in emergency situations. Free neutrons hit a uranium atom and split it. Nuclear energy starts from splitting of the uranium atom. This is called fission; it generates heat to produce steam which is used by a turbine. Because they do not burn fuel they do not produce greenhouse gas emissions. Which is better for the environment.

2. Dangers: Although nuclear power plants are one of the less harmful energy sources it is still very harmful. When you enrich uranium it harms the environment. If a serious accident occurred large amounts of dangerous radiation which can cause an increased risk of cancer to people that are exposed. It does not emit air pollution, isolates its waste from the environment and does not require a huge amount of land.

3. What are the ethical implications?

Nuclear power plants are defiantly a more efficient way of producing electricity however it can be very harmful to the environment. If the uranium fuel were to leak it could cause many health issues such as loss of breath, illness and death.

4. What are the environmental implications?

Nuclear power plants are one of the cleanest forms of energy as it does not emit air pollution. However, uranium is radioactive so if it leaked it could kill people and animals.

science app review

Science app review

There are multiple problems that can be solved by apps but one problem in particular that I noticed is that some students that want to test experiments at home to get a better understanding cant because they don’t have some of the ingredients or tools needed. Also some students are better visual learners so if they are just told something they might not understand, and in order for them to understand they need a demonstration but don’t have proper equipment or ingredients. I feel like the best solution to this problem would be an app that lets you digitally interact and do they experiments on your very own device, the app could go through steps and let you put it together and figure out how it works. After I had searched the app store and found an app called “Kids Fun Science Experiments.” There were many categories to do and it also pronounced everything we did and gave an explanation for the science experiment. For example, one experiment I did was putting ice on a string and covered it in salt, that gave me a better understanding on melting points and gave me a bunch of information on the subject. I also saw how to transfer electricity through a car motor. In the app you tap and drag objects and it will tell you instructions on what to do next. One thing I think would make the app better would be a more descriptive explanation that tells us what the overall result is and not just how it happens. Another thing that could improve the app would be making the voice that illustrates what you are doing a little bit clearer because it is very digital and robotic and a little hard to understand. Overall I think the app was easy to use and it was free to download and other then a few changes I would make I find it a great app to help students understanding in science.

by Kennedy