What does Reconciliation look like?

What does reconciliation look like?

What does reconciliation look like? What does reconciliation mean? Reconciliation is the restoration of friendly relations. When people forgive but never forget, and acknowledge the past but move forward. it is to not make excuses or blame others, it is to listen to what people have to say and resolving conflicts. Can reconciliation resolve and heal? And can it make up for even the worst events that occurred in history? We can find these sources in books and Canadian history where lots of forms of reconciliation occurred. I think reconciliation looks like forgiveness and bringing back lost friendships and relationships that were lost or forgotten.

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citation: Pearson British Columbia | Purchase eTexts, www.pearsoned.ca/school/product/bcresources/books-available/index.html. Accessed 3 Oct. 2017.

What it means to be human

Humans want to feel included

Humans persist in difficult situations

Humans need friends and family

Humans need hopes and dreams

Humans need to communicate

Humans need to understand others

Humans adapt to different environments

Humans seek new knowledge

Humans are greedy

Humans sometimes strive to be a better society

Humans can cause conflict for power, race, nationalism

Humans can be racist and/or prejudice

The book The Outsiders is one of my favorite books it taught me about how friendship can overcome almost anything even in horrible situations. This book is about two different gangs who face conflicts with one another, Ponyboy is the main character in the story and he is in the less fortunate gang. Ponyboy’s friend all help each other through harsh situations.