TOKTW 2016


  1. What is your job title? Director of enterprise solutions
  2. What is your job description? Oversee enterprise account strategies and manage services portfolio
  3. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job? Management and sales strategies
  4. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas :Training: Management Programme,  Education:  Management Programme, Experience:  20 plus years working within the industry, skills and attributes: Combination of technical sales and management expertise
  5. What are some of the things you like about the job? Enjoy the combination of space, people, and technology
  6. What are some of the things you dislike about this job? No dislikes he likes his job
  7. How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so? Continuing to get more and more It central.
  1. Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):
      1. Because you get to travel a lot
      2. Because you get to work with other people in an office and not at home
      3. Because it’s a job that you get to meet new people all over the world
    1. Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific)
      1. You use technology a lot and I don’t like to have technology all the time.
      2. You sit for most of the day and I need to move around
      3. You work long days 6am to 6pm and you work at home as well, and the schedule is 5 days a week
    1. Is this job for you? Why or why not? This job could be for me but its nit my number one choice at the moment but I will keep it in my mind when I am deciding careers. I don’t think this job would be for me because you are sitting in a office all day and I like to move around and I would like to have a more physical job.
    2. Explain the value of the TOKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary (after high school) plans (education?, training?, travel?, work?). The good thing about ‘Take your kid to work day’ is that it can give you an idea of a career that could be an option in your future. 


Static Electricity

Today in our science class  we did a experiment on static electricity. We used fur to give a static charge to the lucite sticks which we held beside the paper on the ruler that made our ruler turn in circles. This experiment had us racing with other teams in our class to see who had the best strategy and which group chose the best materials and fabrics to use. The rules to this competition were tat we weren’t allowed to touch the ruler and when had to make it spin around 10 times as fast as we could using static electricity. While 2 of the people from the group were racing another member from the group  took snapshots and videos  of our race from the beginning to the end with some extra clips of us charging out Lucite sticks and adjusting the ruler so it would stay balanced on the glass lenses. It was a pretty fun way to start off our unit on static electricity!