Letter from Home

Dear Kakashi, Hello, I hope you are doing well and still alive. Ezra and I are doing great I just picked him up from his basketball game and they won 39-36. He is also wondering when you are coming back because you said it was going to be a quick war. The government is raising…

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Week 8 in Math 10

This week I learned about bearings. It’s not as complicated as my other weeks but bearings are good to have at the back of your head. Also, it is helpful to have a bit of knowledge about them, there will be questions like them in the future and I’m sure I will forget about bearings…

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Week 7 in Math 10

This week, I learned how to solve a certain angle but with a little twist.   First step: Label all the things I know. Second Step: I figure out the missing angles. The opposite is 5 because 11 is the whole measurement and if we took away 6 because that is the whole square, it…

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Socials 10

Canada was involved in the Korean war. A lot of soldiers died Involved in WW1 WW1 started in 1914 Involved in gulfwar

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Week 6 in Math 10

This week I learned how to isolate a variable using the formula to help me with it. The main thing you have to is to divide the extra numbers and symbols to isolate r. Also, what ever you do to one side you have to do it on the other side. But I don’t know…

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Week 5 in Math 10

This week I memorized the list that helps you with the conversion. The last skills check required for you to memorize the list, but since I didn’t, that gave me a bad mark. Now I memorized it and I can convert without looking at the list. Also, the “m” always confuses me with meters, which…

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Socials 10 Story Telling

  This story is about young Jerome on his journey to get straight A’s while facing obstacles that tempts him to go off track. This story is important to me because I worked really hard to get the marks that I was hoping for. Also, the feeling of not worrying about grades after the last…

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Week 4 in Math 10

This week I learned that coefficients have an invincible exponent Also when reciprocating negative exponents from the variable, the coefficient stays because it has a positive exponent, only the variable with the negative exponent moves to become a positive. But if you move the coefficient that has a positive exponent then the coefficient becomes negative….

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