Sammy Sperm Story

Sammy, like any other normal sperm was born in Testes hospital. He moved into his house in the local town, epididymis. Sammy knew he was destined for greatest when he was rapidly sent out onto the vas deferens highway with others just like him. They travelled together down the highway, past lake bladder, stopping quickly at seminal vesicle diner before making their way past P.G. Acid Proofing and C.G. Lube. Sammy races the others down Urethra expressway and before he knew it Sammy had entered Vaginaland. Making his way through the gates of Cervix Station, Sammy makes his way into Uterusville. Sammy doesn’t know exactly what he’s searching for but he makes his way up Oviduct Road, a dark long road with no apparent destination.
Sammy suddenly spots her, Ms. Ovum. She must have come from Ovary Island and Sammy knew what he needed to do. He races faster than all the other Sperm and reaches Ms. Ovum first. Together, Ms. Ovum and Sammy travel down to Uterusville where they will live together happily.