Lit Circles

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Song Analysis

Sun Leads Me On – Half Moon Run

Well I’m going where the sun leads me on
Where I’m bound to ginger tea and sickly dogs
Where I always disappear but I’m never really gone
Yes I’m going to where the sun leads me on
I am loathe to lose anything
I have chose to refuse many things
Yes I’m leaving till the sun brings me home
Till I’m no longer lost, just free to roam
And in this life may I never be alone
‘Cause I’ll be going till the sun brings me home
I am loathe to lose anything
I have chose to refuse many things
Yes I’m leaving where the sun calls my name
Where the skies shed their weight and cease to rain
I have gone but forever I remain
To be changing while the sun stays the same
Ooo for the life of me
I’ll be changing, but the sun stays the same
There is no video but this is the song ->
1. I believe this song is about letting go of your worries and thinking about things bigger than you, like the sun. He sings that he will “be changing but the sun stays the same.” Meaning life moves fast but if you take a step back and think about it, were very insignificant in this universe and we shouldn’t let our worries consume us. We should find a place whether its actually real as he describe or even metaphorically that makes us happier, and trust that good things will come.
2. The writer here sounds as if he’s talking to himself or the Earth as a whole but not to another person. Maybe explaining what he needs to do for himself, to himself.
3. This song uses many cliches and the language is very abstract. Ex. “The skies shed their weight.” and “Im leaving till the sun brings me home.”
The denotation of this chorus line “The sun stays the same” could literally mean that the sun is not going to change because it is just a star in the sky. But the connotation is that we think too much of our miniscule lives and we should acknowledge that things around us are always constant.
4.This song could be described as melancholy but also hopeful. Words that set this tone are “Till I’m no longer lost, just free to roam” and “I remain to be changing.”
5. The lines in this short are not long or short, usually range from 4-9 words in each line. The rhyme scheme for most of the song is AA, BB, CC…
6. There is a lot of symbolism and imagery in this writing. “Where I always disappear but I’m never really gone.” This artist also uses personification when he says “Where the sun calls my name.”
7. I think this song does a good job to affect the listeners mood and make them think about themselves, their own feelings, and experiences.

Cell Size/Diffusion in Agar Cubes

  • The most effective cube size was the smallest 1cm cube.

  • The small cube was most effective because this cube is not as wide as the others which means there is less distance inwards the liquid has to travel and less liquid used all together to fill this cub rather than the bigger ones. The most important factors that affect how materials diffuse into cells are size, thickness, surface area, and concentration.

  • If the cells grew larger their volume would increase and diffusion within cells would be less efficient so they stay small to keep the ability to complete tasks faster.
  • 4:1 cube would maximize diffusion most effective because the SA:V ratio is the largest
  • Your cells must keep a large SA:V ratio to be able to exchange materials through the membranes.
  • Cells cannot grow larger or else they wouldn’t be able to perform basic functions like diffusion and exchange things through their membrane. They stay small to maintain their SA:V ratio.
  • An advantage of being multicellular is that tiny cells can perform a specific function inside the body that is different from the other cells, instead of just being one giant cell that can only do one thing.


DNA Replication

Explain the Structure of DNA

DNA is made of sugars, specifically deoxyribose, phosphates and nitrogen bases. It is a large polymer with two sugar backbones with nucleotide bases creating a ladder between the two backbones. These bases always bond with the same base partner.


How does this activity help model the structure of DNA? What changes could we make to improve the accuracy of this model?

This activity helped by being able to see a 3D version of what were learning. It is easy to understand the base pairing when it is hands on and colour coded. I think this model could be better if it was bigger and we had more space the really space things out and label them to really understand what every little part is.

When does DNA replication occur?

DNA replication happens before a cell starts to divide.

Name and describe the 3 steps involved in DNA replication. 

DNA Helicase – Unwinding and unzipping

DNA Polymerase – complimentary base pairing

DNA Ligase – Joining of adjacent nucleotides

The model today wasn’t a great fit for the process we were exploring. What did you do to model the complimentary base pairing and joining of adjacent nucleotides steps of DNA replication. In what ways was this activity well suited to showing this process? In what ways was it inaccurate?

It was well suited because we can understand the basic structure but it is hard to understand the true process when we use these materials.

Describe the process of translation: initiation, elongation and termination.

Initiation – mRNA holds onto the small ribosome subunit and then the two ribosome sub units join together.

Elongation – Ribosome holds mRNA and the tRNA attacks to the binding sites. The tRNA binds p site and a site. Ribosome Modesto mRNA.

Termination – The elongation cycle continues until a stop codon.

How did today’s activity do a good job of modelling the process of translation? In what ways was our model inaccurate?

The activity we did was good because we can understand the movement with the slider we used but it was less detailed and theres more parts to the amino acids and subunits.

Pressure Groups/Petitions/Civil Disobedience

“Explain the advantages and disadvantages of pressure groups/ lobbyists, petitions, and civil disobedience as ways to make change in your world. Use specific examples from case studies in the text and in class to highlight your arguments.”

Pressure Groups and lobbyists can be a good way to make change since they can speak for the people of the country and bring awareness to certain things that might be overlooked. The advantages of lobbyists is that they are usually someone with experience with the government and may have a good reputation, which gives them a good chance of making a change. The disadvantage of both pressure groups and lobbyists is that they might be influencing the government to make a change that won’t benefit the public. In the case study about the NAFTA this pressure group was not appealing to the general public because they happened to be a group of CEOs that didn’t consider the amount of jobs that would be lost and the people that this would harm.

Petitions are a very peaceful way of making change and don’t have consequences that you might see after someone uses civil disobedience to make change. Although when it comes to petitions some people who believe in the cause might be reluctant to signing the petition for certain reasons like maybe they are afraid of disobeying.

Civil disobedience is a very strong way for someone to get a point across while still not using any violence. I think in Viola’s case she showed that civil disobedience can be lead to change overtime and not necessarily as quick as a petition or pressure group but I believe that the act of civil disobedience shows what real people need rather than what people in the government want. A disadvantage to civil disobedience is the consequences someone might face after, again for example Viola was arrested and injured by the police after she disobeyed the rules of the theatre.

Math Week 15

Using the formula y2 – y1/x2 – x1 to find slope

Ex. (5,-7)(7,5)

y2 – y1 is the y value of the second pair minus the y value of the first pair. In this case: 5 – (-7) which is equal to 5+7 = 12

x2 -x1 is the x value of the second pair minus the x value of the first pair. In this case: 7-5 = 2

This becomes 12/2 which is equal to 6

Math Week 14

Finding the slope from two point on a graph

The formula for slope of a line is rise/run

Ex. (-1,6)(2,8)

To get from (-1,6) to (2,8) on a graph you have to go up the Y axis 2 and across the X axis 3

Which makes your Rise/Run: 2/3

The slope of this line is 2/3

Math Week 12

The X value is also the independent variable and input

The Y value is also the dependent variable and output

When you’re looking at a set of all X values its called the Domain

When you’re looking at a set of all Y values its called the Range


A Function is a relation where each input (x value) is only related to one output (y value)

However it doesn’t matter if the outputs are related to more than one input

Math Week 11

Finding the GCF in polynomials


expand (4x^2y) into (2)(2)(x)(x)(y)

expand (8x^3y) into (2)(2)(2)(x)(x)(x)(y)

The numbers that the expanded version have in common are:


when you multiply these together you end up with 4x^2y which is your greatest common factor