DNA Bracelets

1. What is the genetic code?

The genetic code is how DNA stores the genes information, it is a series of letters that represent different bases. A (adenine) G (guanine) C (cytosine) and T (thymine) when these letters are put together in threes they create a DNA triplet.

2. What is RNA for?

RNA is a small strand that carries information of how to create protein from one gene to ribosomes, it fits through the pores in the nuclear membrane and carries the triplets or Codons.

3. How does your bracelet model the genetic code?

Each colour represents a base letter (A,T,G, or C)

Three colours together create a DNA triplet and each triplet represents a letter in the alphabet, helping to spell out my name in froot loops.



1. What is DNA

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a molecule containing information and instructions making up who you are. It is made up of two strands with smaller base pairs connecting them. DNA is twisted into a spiral shape called “double helix.”



 Licorice: The licorice represents the two strands creating the backbone for the DNA.

– Marshmallows: The marshmallows represent the base pairs A T C and G. Adenine (yellow), Thymine (orange), Cytosine (pink), and Guanine (green)

– Toothpicks: The toothpicks represent the “steps” connecting the backbone together.


3. Yes this activity helped me to understand DNA structure because it gave a visual and hands on way to learn. The colours helped me understand how the A T C and G are paired together.





