Cell Size/Diffusion in Agar Cubes

  • The most effective cube size was the smallest 1cm cube.

  • The small cube was most effective because this cube is not as wide as the others which means there is less distance inwards the liquid has to travel and less liquid used all together to fill this cub rather than the bigger ones. The most important factors that affect how materials diffuse into cells are size, thickness, surface area, and concentration.

  • If the cells grew larger their volume would increase and diffusion within cells would be less efficient so they stay small to keep the ability to complete tasks faster.
  • 4:1 cube would maximize diffusion most effective because the SA:V ratio is the largest
  • Your cells must keep a large SA:V ratio to be able to exchange materials through the membranes.
  • Cells cannot grow larger or else they wouldn’t be able to perform basic functions like diffusion and exchange things through their membrane. They stay small to maintain their SA:V ratio.
  • An advantage of being multicellular is that tiny cells can perform a specific function inside the body that is different from the other cells, instead of just being one giant cell that can only do one thing.


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