Mutation Story

Hello, I am a gene with Down Syndrome. Something called Trisomy 21 happened to me to cause this mutation, trisomy 21 means that my host has an extra copy of chromosome 21. This happened because one of my hosts parents passed on an extra chromosome 21 while my host was being created. Down Syndrome effects different hosts in different ways, most hosts will have very distinct physical differences. Many hosts have a flatter face and small head. The way Down Syndrome effects the hosts intellectual and developmental skills differs from person to person. Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder which means my host has Down Syndrome because of something that happened while their parents were reproducing and they were developing.
What Questions did you need to research in order to create your mutation story?

I researched questions like:
What is Down Syndrome?
How is Down Syndrome caused?
What are the effects of Down Syndrome?

What digital tools did you use to work through this project?
For this project I mainly just used the Internet to find the information I needed

How did you verify the information you found?
-I checked multiple websites to see if everyone was saying the same thing, and looked if the website was clear of advertisements and strange information

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