Journalism in Verse


She was 19

1 when she learned to walk

2 when she could talk

3 when she made her first friend

4 when she would play pretend

5 when she began school

Expanding her brain with an endless array of knowledge

Beginning a life in which she had much to learn from

10 when she found a passion for art

11 when she crushed on a boy, sensing a feeling so strong in her heart

12 when her body began to change

13 when boys stop looking at her the same

She wished all would have remained.

17 when she had her first kiss

18 when she graduated

19 when she visited the post office

19 when she was taken and raped

19 when she fought back

Her name was Uyinene

And she was 19 when she was killed.

The article:

Intro Asssignment New Media 12 – Isabella

Isabella B

September 9th 2019

The Glory is in You

In a time so fragile in our lives, we evolve ever so consistently.  We watch the news only to have it dictate how we feel.  We create relationships to achieve a sense of fulfillment.  And we change, to eventually grow into who we dream of becoming. 

In 17 years, I’ve learned only so much.   I know how to read, how to write, never to stay past curfew, and that as humans, we truly know nothing.  I know that we pretend to know when we never are certain.  All we know is that we don’t and we never will.  Life is spent going towards finding a “meaning.”  Truths are found is science and facts for some, and for others, it’s found in books and art.

I created my magazine, Know-It-All Mag to understand and to feel understood.  I’ve had many outlets serve as exactly that for me prior to beginning our website: Rookie Mag, the Dissect podcast and various songs I’ve heard throughout my life.  In Rookie Mag, a shy thirteen-year-old girl found a voice she never thought she had.  In Dissect, she realized all words hold meaning, specifically the words in which her favorite songwriter, Frank Ocean, used to express himself.  And in songs, she found out that emotions are always recycled. Never going without being felt by someone who existed at one point.

An emotion motivated by our pride is passion.  Some of my passions include my family, writing, and my magazine.  Believing yourself makes your passion worthwhile, I’ve realized.  When I don’t believe in what I do, all feels dull and sluggish.  I’ve felt as though I’m never good enough for anything.  Before it all began, this is how I felt towards myself and my work.   Various magazines would reject pieces I had worked so hard on, and my talents definitely didn’t find itself in anything athletic, nor academic. My talents are in art, in thinking creatively, and in questioning. Asking other people how they feel and what they’ve lived through. To me, that is the most important knowledge of all; that of us. 

Many of the young adults in which submit to my magazine are those that don’t feel heard in their world.  Their passion though is new and pure… And not taken seriously because of young age.  This is what had motivated me to start it in the first place, no site wanted to read what I had to write and many people who have reached out have gone through the same. If I had a say in how society works, I would shed more light on the youth, on our futures.  This has been a goal of mine and I am so proud each time I receive an email with photos, poetry, and stories.

Lastly, I hope to not fear too much of the future, as I have since I was a child.  I hope to encapsulate the thoughts and experiences that I’ve never come close to feeling, through the words I write, and the words to be shared on the Eddy.  I hope to give a platform to those who could have never imagined having one.  To find success in what I’ve always loved.  As this is currently my last year in high school, I hope to look back at it with pride in accomplishing all that I wanted to.  I’ve worried throughout many nights that it won’t be possible, but I believe in myself and I believe in my generation.  We will cause movements unlike any other, we will cause waves to crash, and we will cause trees and plants to grow.