Hannah Regio

Riverside Secondary Blog

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Category: Grade 9 (page 1 of 2)

Desmos Signature Math 9 2022

Here are my initials and additional drawing for this assignment.

And links, https://www.desmos.com/calculator/bxzynvtsto  https://www.desmos.com/calculator/03r3bsbo2b

Which equations did you use for each letter?

I used equations like mx+b, y=a and x=b with various inputs to effectively make my letters and my additional drawing.

How did you move them around and change their slant/steepness, height, length?

I would put different numbers to experiment how that affects the lines. For example, when I wanted a very steep slope, I would use numbers like 5 for x to put into my equation: y=5x+b. Same goes for when I want a specific height or length, I would put different numbers into the equations like: y=mx{4<y<6}+b to achieve the line I want.

Did you have any challenges?

Yes, aligning slopes to reach the same point to connect was very tedious to do and took a lot of time to get the hang of.

Any aha moments?

It was relieving when I would find the correct decimal placement or slope steepness to be able to connect the lines together perfectly.

Did you get help?

Not a lot, I worked on most of this assignment at home. My parents are not familiar with Desmos so when facing a challenge, I had to use trial and error to resolve the problem. I did find a YouTube video that helped me figure out how to change the colours of the lines which was helpful.

Did you use any strategies?

Yes, when creating my initials, I first sketched out a draft on some graph paper to visualize the rough idea of what I want my initials to look like. This helped me a lot while making my initials as the draft served as a great guideline to follow. I used these same strategies to make my additional drawing.

What did this assignment help you understand about relations and their graphs?

This assignment helped me understand how change the steepness of the slope affects other parts of the line like its location on the graph. Working on this assignment also helped me become very familiar with using equations like {a<x<b} which I was a bit confused with before.




Explore Math Reflection

I chose The Infinite Pattern That Never Repeats – YouTube as my video for this reflection.

I chose this video because I had seen it in my recommended previously but never really got to watch it. I find the whole idea of infinity really interesting, but almost impossible to believe that something can truly go on forever.

This video primarily covered geometry as it talked about tons of different shapes and patterns and their symmetries.

I found this video pretty fun to learn about. As said before, the idea of infinity is fascinating to me as it is so hard to wrap my head around how big it is. Watching this video also taught me many more new things other than the pattern itself. I learned what platonic solids are, what it means to “tile periodically”, what a moiré pattern is, what Penrose patterns are, and many more things.

I enjoyed how the idea for this video was portrayed as a whole experience, delving into the concept of this infinite pattern that never repeats. I find that most math or theory videos can be very monotone or boring to explain. However, I thought that the video was very intriguing to watch. I liked how so many different components were linked together in this video about a pattern. Some that surprised me were the connections with the golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence. I thought the editing was great and included many useful diagrams and other visuals that helped the video be more intriguing. I also thought the host did a great job showing how interested he was in this topic. His excitement and attitude towards narrating his experience during the video definitely helped me stay interested.

The segment explaining and showing what a moiré pattern is was super cool to watch—seeing how the patterns matched to reveal another pattern of unmatching radial lines. I think this segment was mind-blowing for me because it was my first time ever seeing a moiré pattern. I will definitely be looking more into moiré patterns as I think they’re really cool.

This video was fascinating to watch. I found it so crazy how much order there actually is in randomness. This video brought up many interesting topics like crystal structure or quasicrystals that sparked my curiosity to look deeper into some of them. I actually enjoy watching videos very similar to these in my free time, so this assignment was quite fun to do. The video reminded me to get back into watching more videos like these.

A question I have about this video is; Why are circles, or other round shapes, not very common to find in aperiodic patterns (as shown in the video)?



HCE 9 – English Write

“Birds on a Wire,” created by Banksy

I chose INCLUSIVITY for the intended message of this image.

What I understand from this image is a small green bird being excluded from the other larger black birds. It is obvious they are being mean and disrespectful to the small bird because he is different. They are holding signs saying “Go back to Africa” and “Migrants not allowed” which are clearly made to make the small bird feel he does not belong there due to his differences. I believe the creator of this visual wanted to represent the message that the discrimination between these birds can be harmful to the receivers of it. The creator of this visual has used colour and size to help represent this message by making the bird who is being excluded different from the rest. The bird being excluded is smaller and is a green colour unlike the bigger, black birds who are being mean to him. First looking at this picture, I thought this image was a very clear depiction of racism, more specifically discrimination because of differences between groups. To conclude my thoughts, I believe this image is a great message to represent racism and discrimination in a simplified way and how inclusivity is important.

CORE COMPETENCIES – French Revolution Group Project

Here is my reflection for my French Revolution group project.

Dragon’s Den Project – Core Competency Reflection

Here is my reflection for my  Dragon’s Den project.

Dragon’s Den: Solution Fluency Project – Thermonitor

Solution Fluency Reflection

In your group Define/Discover:

Restate the problem.

Our problem was concerning the health and safety of the public during this pandemic. Specifically, the problem with sick people entering public spaces and further spreading Covid-19 or others viruses.

Research how this problem has been solved in the past.

Currently a common solution for this problem is having a person stand outside of the entrances with a thermometer. Also, I believe that vaccines are also a solution to this problem as both are contributing to trying to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

In your group Dream:

Consider the problem solved. What would it look like?

If the spread of Covid-19 stopped, there would be no worldwide pandemic. We would not need to wear masks, social distance and could travel internationally. Realistically, this problem would be solved by getting vaccinated but we decided to focus more on limiting interaction with sick people.

In your group Design/Deliver:

What is your plan? Make it happen.

Our plan was to make a circuit that connects measuring your temperature and triggering something like a door opening. Our circuit functions by having a sensor that will record your temperature before entering a building. If it detects a heightened temperature signifying a fever, it will trigger a mechanism, in this case it’s the opening of a door. We called it the Thermonitor as it is a device that checks your temperature for a fever and would open the door if you didn’t have a heightened temperature. It’s created to prevent sick people, who potentially have Covid-19 or other viruses, from entering public spaces and further spreading the virus.

In your group Debrief:

How could you have improved your plan?

I believe that we could have made a solution that doesn’t require physical touch on an object because that can contribute to the spread of Covid-19.


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Symptoms and treatment – Canada.ca

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Prevention and risks – Canada.ca

Covid-19 screening: are forehead temperature measurements during cold outdoor temperatures really helpful? (nih.gov)

Grammar Video Project – “Run-ons & ways to fix them”


Grammar Rule/s (copied):

A run-on sentence is two or more independent clauses incorrectly presented in a single sentence. A run-on sentence can take two main forms: a fused sentence and a comma splice. A fused sentence is when two independent clauses are combined without any punctuation. A comma splice is when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined by a comma. While run-on sentences are extremely common, they are also easily fixed by using punctuation, coordinating conjunctions, or subordinate conjunctions.

Explanation of Rule/s (simplified in your own terms):

A run-on sentence is when multiple independent clauses are put together incorrectly in a sentence. This can be done either by putting the two clauses together in a sentence without any punctuation, which is a fused sentence, or with a comma, which is a comma splice. Run-on sentences can be fixed by using punctuation, coordinating conjunctions, or subordinate conjunctions in order to separate the independent clauses properly.

Example 1:

I watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince which was the movie where Dumbledore died, I was sad.

Correction: I watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which was the movie where Dumbledore died. I was sad.

Explanation of Example:

This run-on sentence contains a fused sentence and a comma splice. To fix the run-on sentence, we used punctuation. We added a comma after the word “Prince,” fixing the fused sentence, and used a period to separate the last two independent clauses, fixing the comma splice.

Example 2:

They ran 21 kilometers that is half of a marathon.

Correction: They ran 21 kilometers, that is half of a marathon.

Explanation of Example:

This run-on sentence is a fused sentence. We used punctuation to fix the fused sentence by adding a comma to properly separate the two independent clauses.

Example 3:

The Whitecaps are a good team they won their game last night, they’re my favourite team. Correction: The Whitecaps are a good team. They won their game last night. They’re my favourite team.

Explanation of Example:

This run-on sentence contains a fused sentence and a comma splice. We fixed the run-on sentence by using punctuation. We used a period between all the independent clauses to separate them all properly in their own sentences.

Example 4:

They ran out of eggs they drove to the store to get more eggs.

Correction: They ran out of eggs, they drove to the store to get more eggs.

Explanation of Example:

This run-on sentence is a fused sentence. We used punctuation to fix the fused sentence by adding a comma between the two independent clauses.


Test Questions:

1) How can you fix this fused sentence?

I am writing a fiction novel it’s about two people who meet overseas.

a – Add a period after “novel”

b – Add a comma after “novel”

c – There is nothing wrong with this sentence


2) Is this a comma splice or fused sentence?

My dog was sleeping on the couch, he looked very cute.

a – Comma splice

b – Fused sentence

c – It is neither of those


3) What can you do to fix run-on sentences?

a – You can use punctuation; commas, periods, etc.

b – You can use subordinate conjunctions

c – You can use coordinating conjunctions

d – All of the above


4) How do you fix this fused sentence?

My cats were playing around the front yard I watched them through my bedroom window.

a – Add a comma after “yard”

b – Add a period after “yard”

c – Nothing is wrong with this sentence


5) True or false?

Run-on sentences happen when two or more independent clauses are presented correctly in a single sentence.

a – True

b – False


6) How do you fix this comma splice?

Tim played with his dogs, John fed his cat beans.

a – Replace the comma with a period

b – Replace the comma with a subordinating conjunction like “while”

c – You can do both “a” and “b” to  fix this comma splice

d – Nothing is wrong with this sentence


Answer Key:

  1. a
  2. a
  3. d
  4. b
  5. b
  6. c






Indigenous Exploration – Residential School


Your experiences creating this assignment:

  • While working on this project, I got to work with a new person that I had never met before. I thought we all worked together quite well as a group and that we communicated very well with what needed to be done. While researching Mohawk Institute, the residential school we chose, I learned more about the experience and stories from survivors from the school. It was saddening learning the truth of what happened at residential schools. Still, I’m glad I can research these topics to become aware of Canada’s history with residential schools and how much it has affected Indigenous communities.

Your group’s path in researching the topic:

  • We separated the 7 points we were assigned to research our residential school between all of us. I researched the region/area information and the school information about Mohawk Institute residential school. We made sure we kept track of the sources we used in a separate word document. After we finished getting our information, we worked together to edit it into a format we could use to record with.

Obstacles or items you learnt in recording:

  • While recording, we had to learn how to use Audacity, the program we used to record our information. It was a bit difficult to understand which buttons mean what, but after watching a few tutorial videos online, we figured it out. Another thing we learnt while recording was that different people speak at different volumes and speeds. A couple of times, we needed to reposition ourselves closer or farther away from the microphone and practice speaking slower and clearer. 

Communication: What are some ways that you use to communicate your learning?

  • To communicate my learning with my group members while working on this project, I created a word document and shared it with everyone to put all our information together and discuss our next steps. We worked and communicated together on what we could do to improve our information and how we should format our information in a way that we can use to record with. I have also communicated my learning by posting our findings and research on the residential school we worked on to my Edublog.


Information Fluency: Climate Change

Ask – The critical questions I researched to answer my wonder question?

  • What impacts did the Industrial Revolution have on our pollution/waste levels?
  • What is the main factor that is responsible for climate change?
  • When was the awareness of climate changed first introduced?

Acquire – The digital tools that I used

  • Pexels
  • Citation Machine
  • Microsoft Bing

Analyze – Here is how I got my information and cited my sources.

The process I used to make my Sway was to research the information for my critical questions and write them on paper in note form. I then organized and converted all my information into full sentences and kept track of all the sources I used. I made sure to not copy from my sources and to put needed information in my own words. I used royalty free pictures from Pexels to add to my sway and used a Citation Machine to cite all my sources correctly.

Assess –  Here is how the product and process went.

Regarding my end product, I think I could’ve spent more time coming up with more critical questions. I did finish the assignment, but overall I believe I could’ve gone in more depth answering the questions. For my information fluency process, I think I followed the process for the most part and using this process helped me better understand the impacts the Industrial Revolution had on  our climate. I believe knowing how to research reliable information will help me for future research projects.

Aquatic Field Studies Blog

Aquatic Field Studies Blog

During our fields studies, we learned how to measure water quality and what factors are important to invertebrate life. 

We tested the water quality of 2 local bodies of water – the Coquitlam River and the Oxbow pond. We determined the water quality of the river and the pond by having students take small samples of water from our two study sites. We used scientific methods to determine the pH level, the temperature and amount of nitrates and phosphates. After receiving the results, we used the same data to figure out the water quality index value of the Coquitlam River and the Oxbow pond.

Our next step while doing our field studies was to record what invertebrate and aquatic life we can find in the Coquitlam River and the Oxbow Pond. We used similar methods to find out what types of invertebrates live in the river and pond. Students used nets to catch small critters and bring them back to white tubs filled with water. We recorded and identified what invertebrates or other life we found and released them back into their habitats.


  • What was the objective of our field studies?

The objective of our field studies was to determine the water quality of the two sites we were studying: the Coquitlam River and the Oxbow Pond. The water quality of our two study sites can help us determine what types of invertebrates you may find in them.

  • How does it connect to our study of the 4 spheres?

Our field studies connect to our study of the 4 spheres because the hydrosphere and biosphere include rivers, ponds and all living things, which can all be located at the Coquitlam River and the Oxbow Pond.

Coquitlam River Site:

  • Report your findings for water quality

Dissolved Oxygen: 92% saturation

pH: 6 pH units

Temperature change: 4.5°C 

Nitrates: 10 ppm mg/L NO₃

Phosphates: 0.4 mg/L PO₄

Turbidity: 2 NTU

Total Dissolved Salts: 50 mg/L

  • What does the water quality index tell us about the health of the river?

Healthy river ecosystems rely on good water quality. The water quality is a way we can measure its ability to support invertebrate and aquatic life. The water quality we measured for the Coquitlam River scored 76.9, which falls under “good” water quality, which means that the Coquitlam River is in good health.

  • Report your findings on invertebrate life and other life observed

Invertebrate life we found in the Coquitlam River were stonefly nymph, mayfly nymph, caddisfly larvae, riffle beetle, and dragonfly nymph.


  • What does the invertebrate community tell us about the health of the river?

Depending on what kind of invertebrates you find in a body of water, they can tell us if the water quality is excellent, good, average or poor. This is because certain invertebrates require different qualities of water. Because we were able to find stonefly nymphs, mayfly nymphs, caddisfly larvae, riffle beetles, and dragonfly nymphs in the Coquitlam River, which are invertebrates that require good quality water, this tells us that the pond is healthy and has good quality water.

Oxbow Pond Site:

  • Report your findings for water quality

Dissolved Oxygen: 90% saturation

pH: 6.5 pH units

Temperature change: 1°C 

Nitrates: 10 ppm mg/L NO₃

Phosphates: 5 mg/L PO₄

Turbidity: 8 NTU

Total Dissolved Salts: 100 mg/L

  • What does the water quality index tell us about the health of the pond?

Healthy pond ecosystems rely on good water quality. The water quality is a way we can measure its ability to support invertebrate and aquatic life. The water quality we measured for the Oxbow Pond scored 71.3, which falls under “good” water quality, which means that the Oxbow Pond is in good health.

  • Report your findings (& that of the class) on invertebrate life and other life observed

Invertebrate life we found in the Oxbow Pond were scud, mayfly nymph, caddisfly larvae, riffle beetle, dragonfly larvae, water mite, gilled snail, watersnipe fly larvae, damselfly larvae, and gastropoda. Other life we found were fish, water boatmen, tadpole, stick bug, dragonfly adult, ladybug adult, chipmunk and other insects on the water’s surface.


  • What does the invertebrate community tell us about the health of the pond?

Depending on what kind of invertebrates you find in a body of water, they can tell us if the water quality is excellent, good, average or poor. This is because certain invertebrates require different qualities of water. Because we were able to find mayfly nymphs, caddisfly larvae, riffle beetle, and gilled snail in the Oxbow Pond, which are invertebrates that require good quality water, this tells us that the pond is healthy and has good quality water.

Your water quality test, and the overall water quality index value:

  • Comment on the water quality value of the pond and the river
    –> what do these values say about the health of the water in the pond? The river?

The water quality value of the Coquitlam River and the Oxbow Pond both scored a “good” water quality index value. This us telling us that the water quality of both the river and the pond are quite healthy with minor amount of impairments. They are both able to support a high diversity of invertebrate and aquatic life.

Comparing the Two Sites:

  • How do the water quality & invertebrate life in the river & pond compare?

The water quality of the Oxbow Pond was slightly worse than the Coquitlam River. The pond’s turbidity was much higher than the river’s as well as the amount of total dissolved solids, which doubles the amount for the river. Even though the water quality of the Oxbow Pond is slightly worse than the Coquitlam River, we found way more invertebrate and aquatic life in the Oxbow Pond than we did at the Coquitlam River.

  • What might be responsible for similarities / differences?

I believe the reason the river’s temperature was cooler than the pond’s was because it water was constantly flowing, not giving enough time for the sun to warm the water, unlike the pond. I think the reason we found way more invertebrate in the pond than the river was because the warmer temperature of the pond. The warmer temperature was a perfect environment for more abundant plant and algae growth, which could support more invertebrate and aquatic life.


  • How do you think water quality is related to the diversity and number of invertebrates found in a water way?

The water quality directly affects what invertebrates can be found there because all invertebrates, and any aquatic life, depend on their environment for basic necessities like their source of food and habitat. Every invertebrate requires different things that determines


  • What did you think of these activities? What did you learn? What would make these activities more meaningful?

I enjoyed doing these field studies at the Coquitlam River and the Oxbow Pond. I learned a lot of new things because I had never done field studies before. Taking the samples of water or invertebrates was interesting and allowed me to learn about the Coquitlam River and Oxbow pond.  I think being able to take samples from different areas could make these activities more meaningful because we would be able to learn from a wider range of bodies of water.

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