How have you improved your ability to communicate your ideas clearly during the debate project?
This debate project was a good opportunity for me to work on my confidence in public speaking, as I struggle with anxiety and nervousness when presenting in front of a class. Despite this, I tried to focus on organizing my arguments in a format that was easy to follow, which helped me stay on track.
What challenges did you face in expressing your arguments effectively?
I would say my biggest challenge during the debate was lacking confidence when speaking, which affected my volume and made it harder for the class to hear me. Next time, I will try and practice what I’m going to say more, so that I can d build more confidence and try to overcome my nerves.
Our project consisted of 5 masses and 2 fulcrums, where in the first fulcrum with B1, the clockwise torques were Fg1 and Fg2 and the counter clockwise torques were Fg3 and Fg4, and in the second fulcrum with B2, the clockwise torque was Fg5 and the counter clockwise torque was tension. This project successfully proved equilibrium as a concept as our calculations showed that in our demonstration of equilibrium, the net force / the sum of the torques was almost equal to zero (0.148 N) in relation to the first and second condition of equilibrium. Further, we were able to find the force of tension being 0.119 N [45.0° N of W] which also proved equilibrium as a concept, as the net force / sum of the torques was also almost equal to zero (0.349 N) in relation to the first and second condition of equilibrium. However, there were many possible errors within our demonstration of equilibrium that lead to the inaccuracy in our data, being that our net force / sum of the torques did not truly equal zero. Primarily, the most influential error being our first fulcrum as it is not an exact point, allowing unnecessary “wiggle room” when balancing our masses. Other possible errors could have been the tilt of our central beam due to the flexibility of our straw, the inability to truly negate the mass our beams (B1 and B2) in our calculations, and lastly, any inaccuracies in our equipment (scale or rulers) when measuring our masses and beams.
Core Competencies:
Collaborating – working collectively, supporting group interactions, determining common purposes
Throughout this project, collaboration was key as I used these skills to effectively work with my group members as a team. There were numerous examples of collaborating during this project, being when first designing our demonstration (considering everyone’s ideas, brainstorming together), building our demonstration (overcoming many obstacles together, lots of trial and error), and doing our calculations (helping each other when one of us did not understand or needed guidance on a problem).
ASPD Infographic – Hannah Regio
References :
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2023, February 24). Antisocial personality disorder. Mayo Clinic.
Antisocial personality disorder: Beyond keeping to yourself. Cleveland Clinic. (2024, May 1).
Team, B. E. (2024, October 23). Antisocial personality disorder: What is it and how is it treated?. Antisocial Personality Disorder: What is it and how is it treated?
This is my filmed land acknowledgement.
Format for Evidence of Learning Journal
Week #, Date, Title
Minimum of 3 photos. Additional media like video or audio is optional.
Vocabulary word that pertains to the work done in this subject this week, including a definition, and detail of how it pertains to the work done.
Reflection that includes a strength, stretch and goal in relation to one of the core competencies.
Week 1, Wednesday January 31, 2024, Scavenger hunt and journal set up
Vocabulary word = SERIALIZATION
Strength – I feel that I was able to set up my Edublog using my collaboration skills with Agam’s help.
Stretch – During our scavenger hunt, I stepped out my comfort zone in talking to new individuals.
Goal – I want to learn everybody’s name in the class and get to know everyone better.
Week 2, Wednesday February 7, 2024, IMage development strategies worksheet
Vocabulary word = JUXTAPOSITION
Strength – I feel that I was able to properly identify examples of image development strategies in the magazines.
Stretch – During the step of explaining the connection between the strategies and pictures, I had to ask for help when I was unsure if it was accurate or not.
Goal – I want to be able to demonstrate my understanding of the image development strategies in future art I make.
Week 3, Wednesday February 14, 2024, Life on land research
How is this animal threatened?
Primary threats to red pandas are habitat loss and degradation, human interference and poaching. Total population of red pandas has declined by 40% over the past 2 decades.
What are the solutions to the problem of this threat?
The International Union of Conservation of Nature has prioritized 3 major categories for the action in conserving red pandas:
– Legally protected in India, Bhutan, China, Nepal and Myanmar from habitat loss and degradation.
– Reduce deaths of red pandas by removing man-made threats and enforcing laws on poaching.
– Improve and spread awareness on the issue of conserving red pandas.
Strength – I feel that I was able to find accurate information on the threats to the red panda species from reliable sources.
Stretch – When looking for photos of red pandas from a specific angle, it was a bit difficult to find one that would allow for a clear view of its side profile that I can use for a reference.
Goal – I want to improve my skills in making armatures when working on the Life on Land project as I have tried making similar sculptures using these skills in the past.
Week 4, Wednesday February 21, 2024, Warm-up activity and Life on land process
Strength – I feel that I was able to create a stable and structurally accurate armature for my red panda Life on Land project.
Stretch – I originally tried to thicken my armature with cardboard but had to change it to tin foil as it could be ripped off really easily.
Goal – I want to get more comfortable using paper mâché as it is a medium I am unfamiliar with and have only used a few times before.
Week 5, Wednesday February 28, 2024, LIfe on land Process
Vocabulary word = PAPER MÂCHÉ
Strength – I was able to go through a drafting process when thinking about my animal’s personality and colour palette.
Stretch – I feel that I was able to problem solve when starting my paper mâché because I had to find the right balance of water to flour to make my glue.
Goal – I want to start using the paper clay to better thicken up my sculpture so I can start painting soon.
Week 6, Wednesday MARCH 6, 2024, Warm-up activity
Vocabulary word = INTEROCEPTION
Strength – I was able to use critical thinking skills to figure out the picture talk puzzles during our warm-up activity this morning.
Stretch – The picture puzzle activity tested my memory when we were trying to guess the 8 senses as well as the 5 R’s of Indigenous values.
Goal – I want to try out different techniques on the wheel when trimming my pottery. Ex/ A wave pattern on the outside.
Week 7, Wednesday MARCH 13, 2024, Life on land progress
Strength – I was able to mix different acrylic paints to achieve an accurate colour palette for my red panda, using blending as a method to show its different fur patterns.
Stretch – Before beginning the painting process, I had to add shape and more details to my sculpture using joint compound which was difficult to determine the proportions of my animal’s body.
Goal – I want to finish up my life on land project with my final step taking photos of my final project soon, so I can start my inquiry project; this will need demonstrate proper time management.
Week 8, Wednesday april 3, 2024, warm-up actvity and Artist statement
Vocabulary word = ARTIST STATEMENT
Definition: An artist statement is an artist’s written description of their work. The brief text is for, and in support of, their own work to give the viewer understanding. As such it aims to inform, connect with an art context, and present the basis for the work; it is, therefore, didactic, descriptive, or reflective in nature.
Strength – I was able to properly collaborate with my group members during our warm-up activity when presenting our observations on different stories and artist statement examples.
Stretch – When starting to write my artist statement, I had to reflect on my progress in making my sculpture to properly share my steps and think of my goal in creating this project.
Goal – I want to practice my skills on the wheel so I can start throwing my pottery pieces for my inquiry project, as well as organising my ideas to explain my purpose in making a fruit bowl set for my inquiry project.
Week 9, Wednesday april 10, 2024, Inquiry project purpose
Vocabulary word = INQUIRY PROJECT
Definition: Is a way of exploring and learning about ideas, ourselves and the world. The goals of an art-based inquiry are understanding important topics, imagining possibilities, and inventing new realities.
Strength – I was able to draft my ideas for my fruit bowls and choose the proper fruits that correspond with the bowl’s size.
Stretch – When starting to write my purpose for my inquiry project, I had to think of my difficulties that could come with this inquiry project such as the difficulty in making 4 of the same bowls with varying sizes as I want it to be a set.
Goal – I want to practice my skills on the wheel so I can start throwing my pottery pieces for my inquiry project.
Week 10, Wednesday April 17, 2024, brush slugs
Vocabulary word = THUMBNAIL
Strength – I was able to properly attach my 2 clay add-ons using the scratch and slip technique.
Stretch – I feel that I was able to problem solve when the acrylic medium started smearing my paint below, so I decided to apply very thin coats to avoid disturbing the paint below.
Goal – I want to start thinking of my ideas for my puppet that can link to my animal’s story.
Week 11, Wednesday april 24, 2024, PUPPET THUMBNAILS
Vocabulary word = POACHER
Strength – I was able to think of a puppet character that would fit within my animal’s story; thus, a poacher as my red panda suffered injuries from this same threat.
Stretch – It was hard to sketch out what my puppet would look like from other angles as I’m not as familiar in drawing side profiles in faces.
Goal – I want to start sculpting the basic shape of my puppet.
Week 12, Wednesday may 1, 2024, TRAGIC inquiry project process
Strength – I did not cry when my bowl dropped and broke, it just was very INCONVIENT as I had already spent a lot of time under glazing its design.
Stretch – I had to preoccupy myself with something else to do as I had already taken out all the equipment to continue work on this bowl.
Goal – I need to make a new bowl as this one is dead.
Week 13, Wednesday may 8, 2024, warm-up actvity
Vocabulary word = PICTURE BOOK
Definition: A book containing many illustrations, especially one for children, used to tell a story.
Strength – I was able to make a story using the prompts in book’s layout.
Stretch – I decided to use pen for my illustrations, so I had to be careful because I couldn’t erase if I messed up. I like how this turned into a more silly style as a result.
Goal – I want to start collecting scrap fabric to recycle for my puppets outfit.
Week 14, Wednesday may 15, 2024, INQUIRY PROJECT PROGRESS
Strength – After spending some time away from the wheel after the bowl incident, I was able to make another bowl on the wheel.
Stretch – Though I am happy with this bowl, it isn’t the same size as the old one so I had to improvise and just start on the next fruit in order, a pomegranate.
Goal – I want to try and prevent any cracks in my future work as now my bowl isn’t food safe.
Week 15, Wednesday MAY 22, 2024, Critique sandwhich with lens
Vocabulary word = CRITIQUE
Strength – I was able to analyze Keagan’s art work using my knowledge of PEAD and IDS to give constructive criticism and positive feedback.
Stretch – I exchanged critique sandwiches with Keagan, someone who I’m not particularly familiar with, so the interaction was out of my comfort zone.
Goal – I want to continue my progress on my puppet project as I need to paint him.
Week 16, Wednesday MAY 29, 2024, CRITIQUE SANDWICH CONTINUED
Vocabulary word = DISTORTION
Strength – I was able to analyze my classmates’ art work using my knowledge of PEAD and IDS to give constructive criticism and positive feedback, that is able to be unique to each artwork; offering a diverse approach to my observations.
Stretch – It was difficult at times to come up with critiques to some artworks as they were all really well done, I had to think outside of the box sometimes.
Goal – I need to start working on the clothes for my puppet soon as due dates are approaching.
Week 17, Wednesday June 5, 2024, all critique sandwichs complete
Vocabulary word = GOBLET
Strength – I was able to analyze my classmates’ art work using my knowledge of PEAD and IDS to give constructive criticism and positive feedback, offering a diverse approach to each art work according to my observations.
Stretch – It was difficult at times to come up with critiques to some artworks as they were all really well done, I had to think outside of the box sometimes.
Goal – I need to start working on the hands for my puppet soon as due dates are approaching.
Part One:
In relation to my work placement:
a) Strengths
Art and Design: Can contribute to Stantec in the future regarding graphic design, architecture sketching, floor planning and decorating in office buildings.
Communication and Listening: Able to follow directions and conduct work independently, can contribute to Stantec in the future regarding marketing (including artistic aspect), able to collaborate effectively in a group and work well in a team.
Academic Background: Completed grade 9 and 10 Science Honours courses, enrolled and completed Science Co-Op program which can help in future education within engineering relating to Stantec possible employment and other contributions.
b) Interests
Passionate in sciences: Have always thoroughly enjoyed science as a subject, especially physics and chemistry. Wants to contribute to the goal of being more environmentally friendly and help find cleaner and more sustainable practices.
Very interested in psychology: Believes in the importance of mental health, passion in pursuing criminal justice/forensic science career paths in relation to studying the human brain and behaviours.
Three Specific Goals:
1) Collaboration & Communication
I want to become more comfortable with speaking and working with strangers (specifically adults) in a professional environment.
– Can help me discover more opportunities to deepen mt learning/understanding.
– Can help me expand my network connections with other people, organisations, companies, etc.
2) Responsibility & Leadership
I want to be capable of effectively planning and managing my time to stay productive during in my work environment.
– Can help me stay on task and demonstrate my personal responsibility and time management
– Can help me develop better working/studying/organisation skills in order to be a more efficient student/worker.
3) Self Advocating
I want to get better at asking for help when I need it instead of always trying to figure it out on my own. I want to break my habit of being too scared to ask questions.
– Can help me find good resources that are here to help me and learn how to better problem solve/troubleshoot on my own if it happens again in the future.
Part Two:
In relation to my work placement:
Discuss growth on my 3 goals listed above.
1) I want to become more comfortable with speaking and working with strangers (specifically adults) in a professional environment.
– I believe that during my work placement, I have achieved this goal as my work placement has given me a great opportunity to practice these skills and grow my network of people I can contact in the future. It has been a very freeing experience that has helped me step (more like jump) out of my comfort zone as both a person and student. Examples of how I’ve practiced my skills was talking with my coworkers, attending Teams meetings and going to worksites/conferences.
2) I want to be capable of effectively planning and managing my time to stay productive during in my work environment.
I think I have also seen a lot of growth in managing my time and workload independently. I feel I’ve developed better strategies that keep me on task throughout the day like taking breaks when necessary and having multiple tasks to work on (alternating to avoid boredom).
3) I want to get better at asking for help when I need it instead of always trying to figure it out on my own. I want to break my habit of being too scared to ask questions.
– I still think this is a goal I need to work on, though during my work placement, I have seen improvement. An example of demonstrating self-advocating was during a follow-up meeting with Nicole and Simon (who assignment my research report and data analysis task), I was able to bring up a few questions I had about report formatting, presentation layout and general questions about the filter themselves like details on replacement and lifespan on the granular media.
This is my infographic describing my learning progress so far this year.
Update: Revisiting Midterm Goal setting
I think overall I’ve achieved my goal of staying more organizing with schoolwork. It took trying different strategies to keep on top of assignments and remembering what I need to do, to find one that worked for me. A few I tried were writing my incoming due dates in my notebook and using the note app on my phone/computer, though most of the time I would end up forgetting what page I wrote it on or forget the notifications. In the end, what worked best for me was putting sticky notes with my homework and due dates on the first page of my binder so I could see them every time I open it.
About my other idea to achieve my goal by having dedicated time for schoolwork every day, it worked most of the time. It wasn’t completely reliable as usually when I got home from school, I’d go to climbing or soccer right after then come home exhausted, usually wanting to sleep. With this, sometimes it would still end up with me staying up late completing assignments or studying the night before.