Genocide Compare/Contrast


Name of Genocide

Armenian Genocide

Nanking Genocide

Guatemalan Genocide

Who was impacted

Christian Armenians, Syrians, Greeks

Nanking’s residents


Where did it occur

Republic of Turkey



When did it occur




What happened

Armenians were turned out of their homes and sent on death marches through the Mesopotamian desert without food or water. Frequently, the marchers were stripped naked and forced to walk under the scorching sun until they dropped dead

Mass murder and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanking

The Mayans were under the rule of the Guatemalan government went under a protest to have equal language and culture they started a civil war Guatemalans attacked first and the destroyed a nearby village and they killed many.

  1. Identify 3 components of the different genocides that have similarities?

One leader/person thinks one race/culture is better than the other

No one took major steps to try to stop the genocide.

All the genocides could’ve been prevented

  1. Identify 3 components of the different genocides that are different?

Christians were targeted, women were targeted, the Mayans were targeted.

 Occurred in different places in the work

Lasted for different amount of times.  times

  1. Are there any patterns that you can identify between the different genocides you have explored?  (The two above and the holocaust)

One leader wants total control over the people

  1. Can genocide be avoided in the future, or do you think it is something that is a part of human nature and will continue to happen?  Write a paragraph response with your partner.  Provide justification for your arguments.

I don’t think there could be a genocide in Canada because we are very multicultural and diverse.

  1. If you could only pick three fundamental rights that you think every person should have, what would you pick?
  2. Freedom to express your religion
  3. Speech
  4. Freedom
  5. We picked these three fundamental rights because these are some of the main reasons the genocide occurred. Adding these fundamental rights into our laws will help us to pre

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