Holocaust Data
Throughout 1933 and 1945 the three main countries that were impacted were Germany, Poland, and Austria. A lot of the people that were effected were born into the Jewish religion. There were small children that had no say but because their parents were Jewish they were thought to be less worthy by some. One thing everyone had in common was that they were innocent all they were doing was being themselves. One story that stood out to me was a boy named Harry Pauly he worked at a homosexual bar and he watched his friend get stabbed. He was then arrested as well because of his line of work. After 15 months he was freed then he was arrested again. After 8 more months he was freed and started his own theatre. Children were being killed and innocent people were being tortured. The Holocaust was awful. One question I still have about this is; who built the concentration camps? How did they determine when someone’s execution date would be?