science app

The app I have chosen for a science app that is helpful for learing new subjects is Khan Academy. It’s an app that is totally free to download or you may go online and login. You will have to make an account to use this app and get notified for anything. This app is very fun and cool to use because every video you watch or any work/games you play and do, you get points. And as you get more points everytime, you get a little character. You get to design, choose the colour, and play with many features and choose the character you like. This app is awsome for science and other subjects. It can be used by students, teachers, parents and more.



This app is amazing with it’s awsome features for learing science, math, art, economics and finaces. It has many videos to watch which helps a lot if you are a visual learner and it has many questions and games to try out to help you even more. Its very helpful if you stuck with a subject you’re struggling with. This app also has test preparations. So the next time your have a science test and you need help with studying, go onto Khan Academy and get that help you need.

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This app is very easy to used and understand how things work. Its not hard to find what you want to study for, and has many videos and activity for your understanding. This app is self explanatory.

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This app has many elements for all science grades. It has many videos and a periodic table to help. And more which I have pointed out in the beginning of the paragraph.

If I could make an app, I dream of it to have a periodic table and many lessons, videos and activity games about chemistry. I would like the app to have a space or bar were you could ask any question about science and get an answer in a few seconds with many information.

Finding this app, adding pictures and writing about this app was very easy for me because I have used it before for help in math and science. I usually use it for test preparation or just learning more, which it has helped a lot. And I hope others are able to get that same help I got from this app.

3 thoughts on “science app

  1. Thanks for your review. You have given me a good picture of the app but I wish that I could see more of the Solution Fluency process in your review. Your screenshots and descriptions helped create a clear picture of the app as well. Good work.

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