Geography 12

What direction should BC forestry take?

Forestry of BC help develop the economic and provides many jobs, in my opinion, if there is less demand on the export of wood products from BC, we could reduce cutting down the trees and started to plant more in order to make the environment better. We probably should stop clearcutting because if there is a part of the land are all cut down, it is not good for the wild animals and would make it harder to replant trees. I think silviculture is a good way that is sustainable to BC’s current forestry practices, which control the growth, composition, health, and quality of forests to meet diverse needs and values. By this, BC could plant more the trees that truly needed, have better use of the land, and the quality of the wood could fit the demand but not destroying the natural. As quality is growing, we can raise the price, so although we cut down the same amount of trees, we could make more money and improve the economy to grow. And also, because it needs people to plants, check and report, it could provide more jobs.

environmental ethic

In this film, the dogs lived on a garbage island, which makes me think about where the garbages go after I throw them away. They are not disappeared, but move to another place that I don’t know. And I’ve noticed that there are many of them were in the sea and gathered on the island.

when there is a new phone, the commecrials are evrywhere and makes me want to change my phone eventhough my old one is still good. At that time, I am not thinking about the environemnt, how the old phone would go and might produce more electronic waste that would cause bad pollution.

Ethic of care

Key Question: What would an ethic of care towards the environment look like?

  1. What would be needed to create it.

We need to see the environment as a person that need care from us.

  1. What would we have to believe about the environment? How should we see it?

People should believe that the environment is very important to human, we need to protect it in order to save our life and we also need to believe that what we did really impact the environment a lot, so we need to be careful about our action.

  1. How would we act? – give scenarios

When there is ethic of care, we would think about the environment every time before we do something to it. For example, when we need to cut down tress to built houses or making papers, we would think about where would the animals go. When we use plastic bags, we might think about how the plastic affects the environment and try to reducing the time use it.

  1. What would be different about the world if everyone adopted this ethic of care towards the environment? Benefits and drawbacks?

There would be many benefits when we adopted this ethic of care towards the environment because we live on the earth and the environment is really important in our life. When the time we really care about the environment, we would make our life better and have a better balance. But there are also drawbacks, as we use the resources from the environment, we need to use it to improve our life. The ethic of care would reduce many chances and convenience in people’s life.

  1. Should we adopt an ethic of care towards the environment?

I think we need to adopt an ethic of care toward the environment because I feel we can’t live without the environment, when we use the resources, we really need to think about it in order to keep the environment as before. But maybe not too much because there would be too many restrictions, and we need to live our life.