My grade 11 self

This semester in Englass class 10 we did many thing but something I was very proud of was my spoken word. I put all of my effort into my spoken word and really liked how it turned out. Something I will do differently next year…

“Racism” by Maxine Tynes

Why does the colour of our skin define who we are? In the poem “racism” by Maxine Tynes, Maxine is trying to tell us what racism is like and how it has a big impact on society today “The cell of imprisonment slamming down all…

Speaking out

One time that I spoke out is when my friend was in a bad relationship. She didn’t see how it was bad, nor did she think that something bad was going to happen, but I knew that it was going to end up turning in…

Homemade Heaven

My Favourite restaurant is very speedy and really affordable in fact I don’t even have to pay! My house may not be a restaurant but it sure does feel like one when my family gets together and eats a spectacular homemade dinner made by my…