Power Information Fluency

1. Share your findings in your own words with cited images            

 Tidal energy is produced by the natural rise and fall of the ocean tides, which are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun. There are three main ways that tidal energy can be produced. The first way is by tidal stream generators. They work like wind turbines except they are underwater. The height difference between the tides is strong enough to generate the turbine. Secondly, tidal energy can be produced from tidal barrages. A tidal barrage is a dam that doesn’t allow water to flow from the ocean to a small body of water. Due to this action, there is an increase in the tide’s height. On one side of the barrage the water is building up and once it is above 2 meters the barrage will allow water to flow through a turbine. Lastly, tidal energy can be produced by tidal lagoons. They are similar to tidal barrages as they stop water flow from one side to another. However, they occupy an area of coastlineunlike barrages which spread in a straight line across rivers.  The main positive effect of tidal energy is that it is a renewable source of energy. It is environmentally friendly as it does not emit any greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. In addition, tidal energy plants have long lifespans and do not occupy large areas of land. Water is dense therefore making it more powerful than the wind when generating energy from a turbine. Tides are also more predictable than wind making them a steadier source of energy.  Unfortunately, there are negative effects that come with using tidal energy. For instance, they affect the aquatic ecosystem since the turbine can kill underwater sea life and adding a turbine can disrupt the natural flow of tides. Although most turbines rotate slow enough for fish to pass through, many can still get caught in the current. Another downside is that they are expensive and can only be installed along coastlines. Depending on the location some barrages may prevent ships from having access.                                                                          


2.Make a statement to Justin Trudeau about the implications of your findings                                              Dear, Justin Trudeau

I believe that Canada should implement tidal energy plants more specifically tidal lagoons. They have many positive effects as they are environmentally friendly and are a renewable source of energy. They prevent flooding and they do not emit greenhouse gases. Tidal energy can be costly but if you focus on the long term, the benefits outweigh the cost. Some of these benefits are cleaner air, less land usage and they have long lifespans. Besides tidal lagoons can generate continuous power without using many resources. They work best near coastlines and Canada is surrounded by the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. There are very few negative effects on tidal energy but with more research, we may be able to control them. Such as adding a net on the turbine or creating another path for marine life to travel so they do not get killed by the blades of the turbine. In addition, the west coast of B.C. has been identified to have the best tidal energy potential. We have a vast amount of water in our oceans, it is easy to access and utilize. Adding tidal energy would be beneficial and valuable to Canada and its residents. 

Elika Razmjou| Student/ Canadian Resident

Part 2

1. Whatt questions did you need to research in order to research your topic?  

  • What is tidal energy?  
  • How is tidal energy produced?  
  • Is tidal energy environmentally friendly? 
  • Are there negative effects on producing tidal energy? 
  • What are the benefits that tidal energy has on our planet/ on humans? 
  • Does tidal energy use up a lot of our resources to produce?  
  • Where is tidal energy produced?
  • Is tidal energy easy and fast to produce? 
  • How does tidal energy affect marine life?

2.What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?                   

   While working through this project I used new and familiar digital tools. A few of the familiar tools I used were Google, YouTube and Pexels. I have used these before when researching for many different projects. Some of the new tools I used that I am less experienced with is Gale, Canadian Encyclopedia, Destiny, and Citation Machine. By using the new tools, I was able to discover more information which made completing this project easier. 

3.What was the process you used to investigate the topic? 

  The process I used to investigate this topic was searching up the questions I had that related to my topic and then scrolling down to find viable sources not only ads. Once I found the information I would then put it into my own words and copy the link I got information from. Since the people who wrote it deserve credit for their research. I ensured that the information I found was relevant and true by analyzing the text. 

4.How did you verify and cite the information you found? 

   I verified the information by comparing sources to one another. I would go on multiple websites and check if the main ideas for the information I was looking for was similar. I was able to find websites that had better information by scrolling down on google.  I found credible sources by using trusted digital tools. I cited the information I found by using a citation machine and inserting the link. Although I put the information, I found into my own words I still must give credit to the author as they probably spent awhile conducting the research for the information they published. 

5. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?                   

    The process of completing this challenge went well. I found that the easiest part of it was finding a lot of information, but it was difficult to identify which parts would be useful and that I should add to my research. Reading through many different websites was time-consuming and tough as I had to find relevant information. Many of the websites’ information was complex and confusing. Finding research in simple terms that I could understand was a long process. I think I could have come up with more simplistic questions to cut down the amount of research I had to complete. Along with that, I could have used a larger variety of digital tools. Overall, I enjoyed doing this project as I got to experience new digital tools, I was unaware of or did not use often.


Rutledge, Kim. “Tidal Energy.” National Geographic Society, 9 Oct. 2012, www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/tidal-energy/.

Clark, R.H. “Tidal Energy.” Tidal Energy | The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2015, thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/tidal-energy. 

Unkown. “The Disadvantages of Tidal Power.” Tidal Power – Disdvantages of Tidal Power, tidalpower.co.uk/disadvantages-of-tidal-power.

“Tidal Energy in Gujarat.” Energy Next, 19 Apr. 2012. Gale In Context: Science, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A286967339/GPS?u=43sbo&sid=GPS&xid=50e348a1. Accessed 9 Dec. 2019.

Unkown. “Tidal Energy Pros and Cons.” Energy Informative, energyinformative.org/tidal-energy-pros-and-cons.

Husseini, Talal. “Tidal Energy Advantages and Disadvantages: Key Points to Consider.” Power Technology | Energy News and Market Analysis, 25 Oct. 2018, www.power-technology.com/features/tidal-energy-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

“Tidal Power BC.” Clean Energy BC, www.cleanenergybc.org/about/clean-energy-sectors/tidal.

“What Is a Tidal Lagoon?” Tidal Lagoon, www.tidallagoonpower.com/tidal-technology/what-is-a-tidal-lagoon/.

“How Does Tidal Power Work?” Energy Informative, energyinformative.org/how-does-tidal-power-work/.

J.M.K.C. Donev et al. (2015). Energy Education – Tidal barrage [Online]. Available: https://energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Tidal_barrage. [Accessed: December 8, 2019].

Video and Photo Source: 

Woo, Matthew. “Tidal Energy: The New Sustainable Resource.” Wood Harbinger, 2017, www.woodharbinger.com/tidal-energy-sustainable-resource/.

Sudent, director. Tidal Power 101. YouTube, Student Energy, 2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkTRcTyDSyk. 



One thought on “Power Information Fluency

  1. Excellent information fluency post. I really like how you have found some great sub-questions to lead you to get a well-rounded perspective on your topic. You have done a great job sharing the digital tools you used and citing your sources. Good debrief on your product and process as well!

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