Stop Motion- “The Friday Everything Changed”

The video below is a stop-motion animation using lego of the story “The Friday That Everything Changed”. I contributed to this production in various way. Such as I helped distribute tasks among the group and assisted to the filming process. As well as writing the storyboard and the narration for the film. In addition to these tasks I also did the voiceover for the movie.

One thought on “Stop Motion- “The Friday Everything Changed”

  1. Thank you for posting the “Stop Motion Project” based on your short story unit. I have some observations regarding this piece on a technological perspective, that I wanted to share with you:

    – Great editing and overall presentation creating a stop motion video
    – Extremely professional in format (replicates the medium)
    – Recreates the story using the media fluency (new product)
    – Thought the settings and characters you selected were excellent
    – Background noise a bit distracting, audio ends abruptly near the end
    – Posted and embedded correctly on your Edublog

    Thank you for sharing and well done!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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