Good intentions still have bad outcomes.

Actions speak louder than words, from Gandalf’s quote and Allison’s essay, this is what I feel best represents both themes. For example, Allison is trying to learn how to speak Sotho in order to adapt and be cultured within one of their groups; in return, they politely exchange conversation with her, even if that isn’t the language caucasians use in South Africa. Another example of Allison trying to adapt is by walking through the rain with the others; however, it feels like a way to learn what they experience rather than just being a kind gesture. These actions turn into something different once the man offers her a ride, to her, it’s as if he’s commited an ignorant act. By driving past the Vendas, it shows to her that he only does that due to a sense of familiarity and hidden bias, since she’s the only caucasian walking. However, I believe that she might be reading into it too much, she neglects the fact that the man was just trying to do something good. It’s probable he didn’t even know that he was doing it, therefore she shouldn’t silently judge him for whatever good deed he believes he was doing.

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