Month: October 2017

Math 10 – Week 8

This week in math we started our Polynomials unit. Polynomials is one of the harder units because there are so many number you are having to deal with and it can be easy to forget to change a positive to a negative or a negative to a positive, or combine something to make it into simplest form. With this unit…

Math 10 – Week 7

This week is math we were learning about trigonometry. The key thing to remember for this is SOH CAH TOA which is the formula that you use depending on what you are trying to find. This unit is pretty straight forward the only difficult thing was having to slightly teach it to myself since I had been away for a…

Math 10 – Week 6

      This week in math we learned about measurement and relationships between different shapes. We watched a video and it showed that you can pour water from one shape to another and it will fit perfectly. The shape a sphere and a hemisphere have a very easy relationship to remember and that is just half of a sphere,…

Math 10 – Week 5

This week in math 10 we learned about conversions and how to use a number line for converting cm to m and all the others that there are. When I first saw this lesson I immediately though we were going to haveto doa lot of calculations and there was going to be a lot of math involved, but to my…

Math 10 – Week 4

      This week in math 10 I learned about Rational Exponents. We learned how to change a fraction exponent into a root number, the main thing to remember when converting between the two is that the root is always the bottom. This means that if you have an exponent that looks like 3/5 with a base of X, you then…

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