Hi, this post is going to talk about my 5 points that are important or crucial to educate yourself about.
- This point is also for COVID-19 safety and is fairly simple. Always wash your hands. It’s easy to make a habit and is highly effective. Washing your hands rids of all those dirty germs and bacteria that could get on your food or you could catch that could give you the flu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PmVJQUCm4E&ab_channel=WorldHealthOrganization%28WHO%29 (This is a video on washing your hands.)
- Clean up accidents and misplaced items. Things like emptying the lint in the drier to prevent fire hazards, or cleaning spills, closing cupboards. Think of it less as a chore and more about your health and safety. Remember that clean-up melody you used to sing as a kid? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY-H2WGThc8&ab_channel=ELFKidsVideos (Take a wild guess.)
- Discard any broken or damaged items. Damaged plates, damaged mittens, or even things like broken aprons when being used may hurt you, instead of pulling out newer better plates, mittens, or aprons to avoid shards getting in your mouth, burns over your hands or arms.
- Turn off stoves after using them. Even if you think you’ll be using it again. Make it a habit to turn off the stove after you are done using it, leaving it on unmanaged is a giant fire hazard, always checking if it’s off is a good habit to learn.
- Wash all plates and utensils. This one is just simple housekeeping but still important to keep in mind, to avoid dirty dishes and utensils clumping up in one corner, make it a habit to clean up after you are done. Simple but effective. I find this just as important as the others.
Stove on fire: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.firerescue1.com%2Fholiday%2Farticles%2Fhow-to-put-out-a-kitchen-fire