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The Machine Stops English 12 Project

Here is my propaganda poster supporting The Machine’s and Central Committee’s perspective from The Machine Stops. I used Source Filmmaker to develop this propaganda poster.

The Central Comittee values your precious time. Devote it to The Machine

Bless The Machine and the Machine will bless you, your friends, and your neighbors. Resist, and your world will desist you.

Imagine a hand comprised of bolts and screws reaching out to you, offering a life of peace and purpose. But understand that the hand that will feed and serve you, will ultimately kill you. It will give your life a purpose, but that purpose is for nothing but The Machine’s lifespan. I want to encapsulate this in the poster’s visuals: the paradoxical oppressors offering you comfort, who could “work without [you], and if it could, let you die.” (Forster 15) The Machine and Central Committee are to be feared, which is why I implemented the threat, “Your world will desist you.” Punishments from the faceless Central Committee like “refusing” requests “to be a father” and homelessness are sentenced to those who oppose. (Forster 12) The Machine and don’t reject first-hand ideas. Fear won’t bring praise, and so to include appealing to authority/deification devices, I implemented words referencing religion like blessings, and saint-like symbols like hands reaching out from the light as if “God had made the machine.” (Forster 2) Finally, I implemented bandwagoning, including The Machine’s chairs occupied by citizens, as well as including the reader’s family and neighbors. Alluding to the wide positive use of the Machine.  Citizens exclaim that the Machine “feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it, we speak to one another, we see one another, in it we have our being… the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.” (Forster 19) The creation of this poster involved my critical and creative thinking, by using my creative abilities to create slogans and visual devices, while critically thinking to connect them to plots and themes of the book. Ultimately, this poster is more reminiscent of propaganda that would exist if the Machine existed today, drawing from modern fonts and realistic art. But let it be known The Machine does exist in our world. In our pockets, on our wrists, and desks. The same smart devices that give us joy are the same devices, run by committees that thrive on letting you drown in ecstasy born from their products, and reduce you to a consumer.


Here is a podcast done by Nathan and I titled Tales Unfolded covering the Machine Stops and Wall-E’s importance in today’s society.


my filmography – Film 11  hi, i’m Brent Aguirre, i’m one of film 11’s students and would love to share my filmography on this blog. you’ll commonly see me posted as an editor in these works, a few times as an actor too!

here’s a few questions and things about me I’d like to share:

why take this course?

i was always curious about film, how it worked, what little things mattered and what it really meant to make a good film. i’ve been active in the media arts department recently as well, so jumping into a film course for fun definitely was something i don’t regret tryingg!

what was challenging about this course?

sometimes, plans just don’t work out, or things just don’t go your way, and there’s going to be a lot of revisions, the first mistake i had was going into a movie not being sure about anything, and i wasn’t really satisfied with the final product.

favorite film and why?

don’t really have a favorite film that much, i don’t watch films that much at all, although if i were to pick two, it would be Across the Spider-Verse and Scott Pilgrim vs the World. both movies have such great direction that is heavily involved with trying new things and really embracing the visual artstyle as the movies personality.

here are some movies i worked on:

if you’re wondering what kind of other types of media arts i perform in, i’ve been trying animation and used content creation techniques to edit my school presentations

The “Looooong” Bar – A Science 9 Electrical House Project

An Introduction to ourHouse

  To start things off, it’s not a house. And before you say anything like, “Wait a minute, but I thought this was an electrical house project?!” What’s wrong with going off the rails a bit and getting creative? I’m pretty sure some people have made castles, or boats, so me and my partner Vlad designed a bar. A quirky bar, a big bar for people of all sizes, and the whole gimmick of it are that it’s extremely long. Like the first floor is just the bar. Our intended design was to go with an old-time colorless 1950s bar or something like that, thus explaining the black and white color theme. However, the brown cardboard at the back doesn’t really help.

Anyways, I’ve established one of the rooms. The bar. But what about the second floor? 3 rooms, with 3 different purposes. We got a bathroom, to the left. Apparently, a rumor was established there that just some pants still lay on the toilet to this day, nobody’s really sure how it got there. And then in the middle room, we got our storage room, filled with shelves and tables, and then our staff lounge to the right. That room’s got a TV, 2 big comfy chairs and a little cabinet sitting alone in the corner.

We lighted the bar with a series circuit, really only because we had a set of lights that were already connected to each other in a series way, which was perfect for the lights we wanted in the bar. The bathroom then had a parallel circuit, so just in case one of the lights went out, you wouldn’t be alone trapped in the bathroom, in the dark. The storage room and the staff room were involved with the compact circuit, and for our choice circuit, we thought of making an “emergency”  series lights. Why? Well… it’s because we were running out of ideas.

Solution Influence Questions

Define: When we were looking at our circuit, we kind of realized… where were we going to put the battery, without it falling off? To be honest, we couldn’t just glue it to the back of the house, we wanted it to be held without us touching it and just stay in place no matter how you placed it. Which was when Vlad, my partner, came up with a genius idea, or ideas? Let’s dream a little.

Dream: We did have a few ideas.

  1. We could have just printed out platforms for the battery to rest on, but I feel like that was a lame idea and totally would not work.
  2. We could have just left the battery inside the circuit, and just 3D printed a wire organizer going through the wall and somehow connected  to it, but that seemed like too much effort, and placing the battery in a place where all wires could have been connected seemed like a pain.
  3. But then we thought of just making a battery holder, now we didn’t get the chance to make multiple battery holders, so we would just have to hold it around while it’s in the holder, but the idea is still there.

Deliver: So that’s exactly what we did. Now, we can place the battery holder anywhere, just glue it to the circuit and not have to worry about it slipping out. I didn’t really feel comfortable with just straight up hot gluing the battery to the house, and I have to admit, there could have been some better options, but that critiquing is for another section in the blog. Vlad whipped something up that would make the holder just a bit smaller than the actual battery, that way, when we break it in a little, it would squeeze in on the battery, making it difficult for the battery to just slip out.

Debrief: The battery holder did turn out great, we did only get the chance to print one, but the idea is there as intended. And I think the battery holder is super cool because no matter how you hold it, the battery would never slip out. You technically could have done this without the battery holder. Holding it regularly would mean you wouldn’t have to worry about it slipping out, because… you’re holding it. But this was super cool nonetheless and made me appreciate 3D printing more.

However, I do wish we could have printed something better, or multiple battery holders all connected to each other. I do feel like this idea could have been optimized to be better, and it might have been more helpful if it could hold multiple batteries at once. But I still think this was a success nonetheless and shows us that it can be improved, and the start is the most important part.

Project Questions

1.) You have three light bulbs. All have the same intensity when lit. Explain how you can prove to a classmate that they are connected in series by unscrewing one light bulb. Support your answer.

If all the lights go out by unscrewing one light bulb, that means the loop was broken because that voltage was traveling through that lightbulb, like everything else! In conclusion, that is a series circuit.

2.) You have three light bulbs. All have the same intensity when lit. Explain how you can prove to a classmate that they are connected in parallel by unscrewing one light bulb.

If all the lights are still on after unscrewing one light bulb, this means that electrons aren’t just traveling through one specific path, but multiple. Meaning that this would be a parallel circuit.

3.) You have three light bulbs. Two are connected in parallel. This parallel combination is connected in series with the third light bulb. Describe the relative intensity of each bulb. Support your answer.

The series bulb is the brightest because it is one of the only paths electrons could travel to before reaching the parallel circuit where they depart. With a 9V battery hooked up, the series has 6V and the parallel lights have 3V.


4.) In question number three, describe the relative intensities of the two remaining light bulbs, if one of the bulbs in parallel was unscrewed. Support your answer.

As I said, I think the two lights would be even. If you think about it, in a parallel with 2 lights, it makes sense, because there are two paths to travel through, but if you were to unscrew one of them, there is only one loop back to the battery. Meaning it is a series circuit, and the remaining light is also a series circuit. And in series circuits, voltage is evenly distributed amongst the lights, so my conclusion is that the lights are around the same light level.

Riverside CC Self-Assess GR9 Brent

How could genetically modified humans change the future of jobs?

With the new era of genetic modification slowly evolving into something more real, come questions that none of us would have thought we needed an answer to. And I can help you answer one of them.

How could genetically modified humans change the future of jobs?


  • What questions did you need to research in order to create your sway?

All the questions I wanted to research were about genetically modified humans in general. Even to this day, genetically modified humans are very far from the concept of being a genetically modified human and being really good at everything. I wanted to research if genetic modification on humans were even safe, ethical, and actually happening. For the stuff about work, I wanted to really research how much genetically modified humans can make a difference. I’ve mentioned multiple times that I think it’s inevitable that genetically modified humans will be taking over jobs, so I wanted to see how they would compare against something like machines. So I researched what machines were good at, and how much machines took over human jobs. I did this because machines were designed to efficiently do things better than humans at jobs, which is can be the same way I can see a future genetically modified human. It’s a little far-fetched, but I think it makes sense when you think about it a lot.

  • What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

The tools that were new to me were Gale and Google Scholar. I didn’t see myself using them at all when I first heard about it, but it’s a really good tool you can pull good and reliable sources. The tools that were familiar to me were the citation websites, and of course, YouTube. Both are really easy to use and very valuable.

  • What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify and cite the information you found?

The process I had to investigate the topic was really difficult to find at first. The hardest part was the first step. But I figured it out by then, the way I did it was to figure out all the simple questions at first and use that momentum and energy to find more creative ways to solve the other questions. For some questions, I’d think about what would be the easiest way to not just answer the question, but the easiest way to find the information for that question. An example of this was when I was a bit stumped on how to answer some of the machinery ones. There was no way I could compare genetically modified humans to machines yet because genetically modified humans aren’t even that advanced at the moment. But both are designed to be efficient and in some ways “better.” So, by comparing the pros and cons of a robot to a human, I can accurately say which pros/cons also go alongside being a genetically modified human. I also had factored in how easy it would be to find this information.

To verify the information I found and made sure it wasn’t some lie, one of the things I would do is go to the author and do research on him as well. For example, K. Lee Lerner is a Harvard graduate who was an author, and an editor and was known for making science-related articles. I only knew this because K. Lee Lerner was someone who wrote the genetic engineering article on Gale that I had pulled one of my sources from. After finding out K. Lee Lerner was trustworthy, I used a citation machine ( to cite all my websites.

  • How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

This challenge was very difficult for me. I’m not much of a research person, although I have to admit. I was super hooked on reading more about genetic engineering. If it’s anything I wish I could have done/included, I would talk about modeling specifically. This is because altering your appearance overall seems less far-fetched than altering your skills and interests in the future. But I think it was too specific and hard to get a source off of, but imagine the controversy when people start genetically modifying themselves to look really good for a shoot. It turns into this whole system where people have to be genetically modified to compete against others, and it becomes more cosmetic than medical. Should cosmetic genetically modified people not be allowed in modeling at all? See what I mean? I think it would have done really well, but I was on a time limit here.



HCE Paragraph Assignment – “It’s a bird”

HCE Writing Its a bird GR9 Brent A

The image I chose was “It’s a Bird,” created by Christian Cooper

What do I see when I look at this image?

I see multiple characters in this image; however, I think there are two main characters. One has a dark skin tone with curly hair and is seen usually smiling in these photos. As the second character is white and has blonde hair, who is only seen aggravated in each panel. The blonde hair lady yells at the dark skin tone man. She claims she will call the authorities and tell them that a black man is threatening her life.

However, no reaction comes out of the man. Behind the man, it seems like many people like him, dark skin toned, look a bit unsettled, some infuriated, some sad looking. I like to think it’s his ancestors or family members, who are going through what he’s going through. He closes his eyes, walks past her, and observes the nature around him. You can tell what emotions and atmosphere are implied in each panel. When the woman is yelling, you can see her words are bolded, and there is a red ominous aura around her speech bubble. The man doesn’t speak; however, you can tell his facial expressions are quite relaxed. And there is a word that reaches out to him in the last panel. That word is “Look—” and it’s in a white, and relaxing font. In that same panel, the man takes out his goggles and observes the nature around him.

How does it make me feel?

It makes me feel a bit unsettled, but also feel thankful, and peaceful. It unsettles me that these types of things happen, many people blame others with negative accusations only because of their skin color. However, what makes me a bit happy in this image, is that the man on the receiving hand ignores what the lady is accusing him of. Not in an annoyed, or infuriating way, but he just simply walks past her and observes the nature around him. And I feel like his peaceful reaction implies that he would never threaten anyone’s life.

What does the image/picture trying to say?

I think the image and picture are trying to say that a lot of people attack and falsely accuse people of negative or illegal actions, without knowing them. Like how in this photo, the woman was threatening the man that an African American is threatening her life. But you can tell the woman was lowering her voice when she watched the man walk past her and admire the nature around him. It says a lot about some people who like to think they are better than others because of their own skin color. In conclusion, I think the whole meaning of this is to, not make assumptions based on people’s skin color. They are just like you, a human with a heart.

Eggs at Home! – Egg Recipe Hunt


Eggs at home! – Egg Recipe Hunt

These are the 3 recipes that I will choose only one from them to cook.


Cloud Eggs w/  Avocado – Breakfast

See the source image

This takes a direct twist on the Eggs and Toast combo by separating the egg whites from the yolk, baking them, and adding the yolk later on. The avocado underneath pairs well with eggs in general, so why not? The crisp fluffy egg white paired with the runny egg yolk and avacado toast makes eating eggs fun and tasty!

Cloud Eggs Recipe by Tasty (Avocados not included)


Deviled Eggs – Lunch

See the source image

Deviled eggs are a difficult recipe to make but worth the bite at the end. The custard egg yolk cupped with the egg is a great bite for lunch.

BEST Deviled Eggs Recipe 2021 ❤️ (


Fluffy Omelet – Dinner

See the source image

This omelet is like your everyday omelet but BIG size, by separating the egg whites, beating them, and mixing them back into the beaten egg yolks, you can make a huge omelet with just the price of a few eggs!

Super Fluffy Omelet Recipe by Tasty

Indigenous Exploration – Kamloops Industrial School

This project was really fun to work on and filled me with knowledge of industrial schools. Making a podcast of it was entertaining and intriguing. I, Jadon, and Devon’s approach to research this topic was creating a word document we can all access and edit and creating separate sections for each other. We’d assign each other different topics to search up about the school. However, there was a handful of challenges we had to face when choosing this school.

One of them was only being able to find one source of information for a specific topic. Ron Ignace was the only person that we could find that attended the school, survived, and was interviewed on it. The second challenge was finding the information ourselves. For this school specifically, you have to scavenge for specific details or buttons to find something about this school. The worst-case scenario was looking through an entire page that’s subject is unrelated to the school.

We managed to get around them and we created a script we can read off to avoid stuttering or lagging when trying to improvise.


Communication: The ways we communicated our learning was using a third-party program that lets us communicate through voice chat, share URLs, pin certain ideas and messages, and screen share. It’s called Discord and it is very user-friendly.