human condition paragraph

The Human Condition

The song “Loving Someone” by The 1975 expresses thoughts on how the media influences sexuality and culture amongst young people. It starts off by analyzing the impact of celebrity role models on youth self-esteem and how our current accepted “norm” for each other is warped and excessively heteronormative. The chorus brings home the overall message of the song: that regardless of all the chaos going on internationally and the societal pressures placed on us all, we should focus primarily on finding someone to love. To find somebody to share a pure connection with regardless of gender, background or other differences that may exist. The end of the song speaks of the concept of reality and how we overall as humans relate to one another. Since the beginning of time, humans have found ways to divide ourselves based on what we believe, what we look like, what we feel, and pretty much anything else. This song illustrates our shared desire as a species to connect with and care for others, even in the face of adversity.

(the song being played in concert) 

Loving someone at The 1975 concert! from the1975

Related image

(the album cover, I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it)


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