One Minute Film

Jamie, Felicia, and Alyson. Reflection: The specific scenes that we used to portray the theme in our short story give off the important message that The Name Jar emphasizes. The scenes were Unhei feels down on herself and not confident about her name shows how she is wanting to change her identity and pretend to […]

La Luna – Jamie and Alyson

La Luna Narrative Poem – Jamie and Alyson Sailing through the sea, My dad, my grandpa, and me. No one around but the great bright moon, The waves sang like a calming tune.   A box, but what lies inside? Just like theirs, a hat, to be identified, As one of them. Part of the […]

Lit Circle – Discussion 5

Sadly, our discussions have come to a close… But don’t worry because this one is a real in depth discussion with some major break throughs on our respective novels! Enjoy the last words from the wonderful Alyson, Amy, Jacob, Dante, and Eddi.  

Is Technology Good or Bad Is technology good or bad? Technology is the future of our world, but it is up to us to decide whether that is going to be for the better or for the worse. At first glance, technology seems to enhance globular networking and connect us with countries across the world, but looking at the […]