The pattern that my group had decided to follow was to first separate them by their form into different groups. Then after having all 23 cards separated into 5 different groups we put them in a line in order of colour and substance. Having placed all the cards in a line by form, colour and substance we then had the Grobles and Bargs in order of biggest to smallest (biggest starting on the left going to the smallest on the right.) Phems were arranged from smallest to biggest (smallest starting on the left going to biggest on the right.) Both of our Phorgum followed the same rules as the rest of our table. We placed one of the Phorgum (20 grobles, 19 brags, 2 phems, blue solid, forms reacts with Acid, no reaction with Merm, Ph2Ax3) on the left side of “Rotsqui” (38 grobles, 14 bargs, 8 phems, white solid, forms reacts with Acid, no reaction with Merm, RqAx2) and right below “Trum” (44 grobles, 10 bargs, 1 phems, blue solid, forms no reaction with acid, no reaction with Merm) The second Phorgum (18 grobles, 25 bargs, 36 phems, brown liquid, forms reacts with acid, unknown reaction with Merm, Ph2Ax) was placed right below Yolaf (13 grobles, 22 bargs, 71 phems, white gas, forms reacts with acid, unknown reaction with Merm, Yo2Ax3) and right above Gnarr (29 grobles, 8 bargs, 92 phems, brown liquid, forms unknown reaction with acid, no reaction with Merm, GrAx)