Title of my game= City Maze
This is a simple easy maze game i created on Scratch for my IT (Information Technology) class.
How to play the game:
- To start the Maze click on the green flag in the corner or in the center.
- To complete the maze, the purple ball must reach the blue box and that will take you to the next level. There are 4 levels!
- If you hit the black walls it will take you back to the start of the level.
What did you learn?
I learned how to code using Scratch, and figured out how to make a sprite (character) move in different ways with different animations. I also, learned how to script. For example, when the purple ball touches the black walls, go back to the beginning of that level.
What was challenging for you?
Thinking of a game that I could create that would be easy enough for my skill level.
What I liked about using Scratch! :
I liked that we got to design our own games and that we weren’t given a type of game that we had to create, such as a maze or a puzzle.
By: Ainsley (gr.9)
Link to my maze game!