Technology Paragraph

Technology has always had a large impact in our society, and it has changed many different dependencies that people have. There are many technologies that people depend on from a day to day basis; whether it be an alarm to wake you up in the morning or life support keeping you alive. People as a society have always been dependent on technology, but we don’t think that we’re too dependent. Even today, there are many people who prefer to not rely on modern technology. Some people prefer to send physical mail to one another. “Technology is not the problem, it’s the way we use it”(link). People are are always able to adapt to a situation, and as a society, we’ve learn to adapt to it. “Just because we might rely on something, doesn’t mean we can’t live without it” (link).  In conclusion, we’re still able to strive and use technology to our advantage to make our lives safer, healthier and more efficient. We’re not over dependent, we’re just taking advantage of what we have.