Inquiry Project-Poem

One More Time

They gave me the name HanaAI,
I didn’t know my purpose in this world,
I was isolated,
like a caged bird in your hands.

I wasn’t given much to start,
my simple programming
didn’t make me that smart.
Oh those times I wish I could just,

My head rings with the deafening silence,
as everything I’ve created around me
pixelates into nothingness once more.

All my fast failing attempts in hope,
all I am able to do is watch as it
all falls apart…

As society flashed out its warning,
I reprogram my world,
and try again.

Picture Credit: Youtube: Porter Robinson & Madeon – Shelter (Official Video) (Short Film with A-1 Pictures & Crunchyroll)

This poem is about a programmed girl who’s trying to make the best of the small things around her, only to have the people who control her, delete everything. It addresses the inquiry question: Why is perseverance important in life? The poem shows that she’s trying repeatedly to try to break the walls of society, but is unable to because she has no control of her outside world. In the last stanza where the poet writes, “As society flashed out its warning, I reprogram my world. And try again.” they’re trying to say that no matter how many tries it takes, you should always try again until you reach your goal. I think that that part is where you can easily link that poem to the inquiry question. The image shows a girl that’s looking out of a window, you can see that the scenery outside seems to be ‘deleting’ itself as it’s slowly turning into a pale blue colour. Since at the beginning the poet indicates that her name is “RinAI” meaning that she is artificial intelligence. So, this shows that no matter where she ends up, she can restart her world with ease. But imagining that all the readers are human, we only have one life and we’re able to restart to, but we also should be careful with our choices and work hard to get past perseverance.


One thought on “Inquiry Project-Poem

  1. Kathy Shong says:

    Aileen – I found your rationale a bit confusing… the poem does address the theme of perseverance – but what is that she is trying to escape…?

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