In Alike by Daniel Martínez Lara and Rafa Cano Méndez, a father and a son are in a world that has no imagination. Everyday the two get ready for school and work, filling their bags up with books and papers. Everyone in the outside world is grey and show no emotion, while the father is coloured blue and the son is orange. Everyday when they walk to work and school, they pass a garden in the middle of the city that has a large orange tree. There’s a man there that is also coloured, and he plays the violin for everyone that passes. At school, the children all learn how to write their ABC’s neatly, while the son has a wild imagination and likes to draw pictures. Everyday at work, the father loses his colour as he’s being dragged into the status-quo of everyone else. As the video progresses, the son, slowly loses his imagination and colour and is unable to return his father’s colour. The following day to solve the problem, the father suggests that they go listen to the violinist. When they get there, they realize that he’s no longer there. As a final attempt, the father walks under the tree and makes the motions as if he’s the one playing the violin. This pleases the son and they both get their colours back. This video shows that in life, we all need to have an imagination and be able to find the things in life that makes us happy. We need to be able to explore what we enjoy and be able to break out of the status-quo.
Month: February 2018
1.2 L’immigration chinoise et la perspective historique
C’est l’enregistrement de Aleana et moi. Aleana était un parent qui était pour la ségrégation des écoles pour les élèves Sino-Canadiens et j’étais un professeur qui ne voulait pas qui les élèves sont séparés.
Dans le deuxième enregistrement, Aleana était une membre du Conseil Scholaire qui voulait la ségrégation et j’étais un élève Sino-Canadien qui pensait que ce n’était pas juste.
10 Word Story
I went to investigate the scene. But you already left.