The Veldt Poem- The Darkness of a Bright Screen

The Darkness of a Bright Screen
By Aileen Klassen


Here, I am stuck.

Stuck behind the screen that shows me a world of wonder,

A world of emojis and red hearts,

A world that will slowly tear me apart.


The code from each website,

Chaining me down to my chair,

Holding me back from stepping outside and breathe the fresh air.


It wants me to stay,

I still have five unread notifications,

It’s begging me to not go away…


What if I don’t care?

What if it doesn’t matter what I share?

Why is the world-wide web so open, yet used as a lair?


A place that was created

To cure my solitude.

A place that made me realize

It needs to be revalued.


Could one click change my life?

Could one post determine my fate?

Or are we all just fish in deep water,

About to bite onto the bait

In the internet’s hands.


It’s dark in here…


[PHOTO CREDIT- Youtube Video- Overcomer – Animated Short by Spangler Scribbles]

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