Space Shuttle-Electric House Solution Fluency

For my group’s electric house project, we built a space shuttle. We have been challenged to find a problem in the shuttle and solve it using a Microbit or a Makey-Makey.

Define: Our problem is that our cardboard electric space shuttle doesn’t make any sounds. This can make our audience less engaged when we present the plane. It also can make it harder to identify our space shuttle.   Adding sound effects can make our space shuttle more appealing and fun to play with.


Dream: A perfect solution would be that when the shuttle senses when it is moving it makes noise. It would also have more than one airplane sound to make it more interesting. It would also be cool to have noises that are made when the airplane turns and the pilots voice on the radio.


Deliver: Our plan was to connect the Makey-Makey to the shuttle. We added airplane and rocket ship sounds to the code make it realistic and cool. We added lights and switches to the wings of the planes to make it look realistic. Our plan worked like shown in the video below.




Making the project went well, but I think we could have better managed our time. We spent too much time building the structure and figuring out where the lights would go, instead of just building the circuits. Everything on the project went well and worked and we got the mark we wanted. Improvements for this project would be to add colour because our project was just brown cardboard. Adding colour would add detail and improve the design of our project. It would also make the project. look realistic. Overall, this project was fun, stressful and we made something really cool.



1 comment on “Space Shuttle-Electric House Solution FluencyAdd yours →

  1. Very good explanation of how you used the solution fluency to address making sounds with your space shuttle. I am very proud of you to use Makey Makey to do that. You included some great media showing what your solution looks like. Consider stepping more out of your comfort zone and being even more creative with your dreaming. Great work, all in all. How could the knowledge you gained with this approach help you in the future?

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